What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Someone found a weird/cropped pic of a M113 with some type of LEMUR mounted ontop
Managed to find what it was, joint project between Bofors and ATK to develop the 40mm Bushmaster IV

If anyone wants to take a look

Managed to also find this, possibly the Bushmaster IV

That’s a Bradley.


Yeah, my knowledge about the Bradley chassis isn’t that good
I thought the chassis was based on the M113 so just went for that

I agree, the bandwagons or “bandvagn” with all its models and variants are kind of an icon for Swedish armed forces, been with us a long time and faithfully served.


Desktop Screenshot 2024.03.02 -


Already submitted and acknowlaged ur welcome

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Anybody got info about the CV90120 with Iron-fist instead of AMAP-ADS? having issues finding anything besides essentially this pic and 1 bad crop
Curious if that was the only thing added to it or if there was anything else

Guess not :(

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Seems like there was might have been a SAAB Trackfire RWS mounted on a Strv 122
Think they nerfed the MGs elevation recently on the leos so this could help against aircrafts as a modification
But besides this video at 1:36, can’t really find anything about it

I’m finishing up my suggestion for the Mowag-Bofors Shark 8x8 Trinity but I’m a bit unsure how it reads and if I need to re-edit it. Would anyone care to read through it and give some pointers on info missing or if I need to cut something etc.?
I haven’t added any pictures yet so it would only be the text.

My opinion for what sweden is in need of is a good spaa from 2.3-8.7 dont give me that crap that sweden has spaa (talking to the people who clearly havent played sweden.) Low ammo count poor turret traverse and slow fire rate makes the current vehicles better TD’s than spaa. I think sweden lacks in that department the most.

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most obvious SPAA yet to be added is the lvkv 43 which would probably be between the lvkv 42 and ZSU, not really sure whats taking so long for it tho


Its A WoRsE DusTer!!
-Dev tem & all people that dont play sweden

Yea, but the Lvkv 42 isnt a good SPAA, Neither is the Zsu-57-2. (I’m taking this opinion to the grave, its not a SPAA but a Twin-mounted Automatic AT gun on a relatively mobile chassis)

Seriously the Finnish Zsu-57-2 was just gaijin being lazy. Couldn’t even bother to give Sweden a proper SPAA. or Finnish SPAA. Did all their recourses go to making Re-skins. How small is the Dev team!?
I’m studying Game graphics and the seniors have showed their work to us. incredible complete detailed 3D models, completed in Three Weeks!

And the Coders and Designers made a game similar to War Thunder where you could play a Strv 103 vs a T-62, And a borrowed physics engine, Textures and anything else to make it look good. when I play tested it we joked how that game is what War thunder wished to be. They even imple

I’m aware models take time and money but come on, Really? Is the Zsu-57-2 Really the best option you had for (insert nation that suffer from Gaijin C&P an Zsu instead of any SPAA) explain why?
-Karnitin 75

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Didnt gaijin once mention it takes them like a year for a single vehicle?
Im guessing that involves getting all the info, models and mechanics

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I’ve looked through this video a couple times in the past and talked to people about it and my conclusion is that the actual footage (which is rather grainy) is the PLSS sight and that Trackfire was only an option that was never mounted. There’s also a 122 with a Lemur sight, but no MG on that one

Besides the lvkv fm/43 the main options would be the U-SH with 20 mm Type 204 GK and the various portee-style Finnish gun trucks with 20 ITK 40 VKT, 30 ITK 62 (30 mm HS.661), 23 ITK 61 (ZU-23-2), or 23 ITK 95 as armament options depending on model


Im at work right now so cant check but from the video it kinda looked like it was shooting so dont yhink it would be the PLSS but maybe im wrong

Ill recheck when im back

Then i think its funny us students had some projects in history class where we had to choose a historical event or object with little to no info. Then we had to find a first hand source and a picture of it. It was a test and dead line was 5 weeks

1: how many managed to complete that assignment

2: did the teacher hate the class or something?