What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Eh, true.

I really hope we get it though, since a draken with CMs, all-aspects, and other modern systems-
plus a sick paintjob

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an RB24J without an uncaged seeker?! how could one even come up with such a idea.

Almost like you cant state any sources and i hurt your feelings

hurt feelings? i mained sweden back when their end of the line was the J35D and i am still waiting for the guy who told me the thing about the J35XS’ RB24J’s seeker to provide me with his source (if he even has one in the first place)

Depends on who you asked. Additionally we couod always talk about prototype missiles that differ and just nerf vehicle based off thst alone. Its pretty easy. Regardless if you’re gonna make a claim its better if you can at least back it with a source first. Of the trials done to the swedish RB24’s the only caged seeker for the Saab 35XS would be the test for the mounting of RB24. There was a plan for RB27 but once they went against using a radar the idea was dropped.

The first Cv 90120 would be cool

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Gaijin will find a way to ignore it or make it premium

If it’s a testbed or a prototype, then it it’s more likely that it will be a premium or not come to the game in the short term, as information gathering might prove difficult (and GJN can’t just make stuff up, even if it sometimes does feel like it).

The CV90120-T or the CV90120 MkIV do have far more info on them. (in-game we have the mk.IV I believe.)

See i hate the history part some vehicles just have short history it it wasn recorded in full.

Yeah, the same problem repeats itself multiple times in other minor nations’ wishlists.
Failed or just-starting projects are never really (publicly) documented well enough and publicised at the same time, as these companies want to keep that information to theirselves.

That’s why information can be hard to gather for non-series produced vehicles.

Real life just sucks sometimes.

Im currently working on a third finnish KV so that we can actually have a 4.0 lineup with a TT heavy but i have a suspicion gaijin will just ignore it

That depends:

  • Is it a well documented vehicle (is it still in a museum somewhere to take measurements for armour and such)?
  • Is it not a singular item (were there more than 1 in Finland)?
  • Is it native(aka instant in the TT)? Captured(aka instant event or premium if no subtree is present)? or Leased(all three options)?

As far as I was aware, the only “finnish” mods on ‘heavy’ tanks were the KV-1A and the KV-1B, both were singular examples and captured equipment, so definitely not TT material according to Gaijin’s rules. I believe they did capture some other KV-1 variants, but I don’t recall them ever being repaired to be used during the wars against the soviets.

And even if you make a suggention it might take a couple years for gaijin to fit it into their development plans, as most additions are planned years in advance in order for their employees to gather enough data. Sometimes a suggestion might get lucky and just fit into their plans, and they would add the vehicle accordingly, but as you might notice on the sheer volume of suggestions, most go undeveloped (but not un-noticed, if we should believe the CM’s).

September 5th 1941, the 26th antitank Battalion manages to take out a track on a KV-1 causing them to take the convoys supplies and the KV-1 after a couple of hours an order is received to bring the vehicle back for repairs and for it to be logged into the inventory of finnish service. After repairs were complete the vehicle would be equipped with a demolition charge to prevent capture by the soviets. Unfortunately the group were ambushed before they could get back and thus the vehicle was destroyed.

Many finnish KV-1’s that were recovered were to be used as spare parts due to their condition. As long as the hull or turret wasnt damaged too badly they would use the vehicle. Same goes for this vehicle, it was only missing the driver port and machine gun port which could be repaired.

So if I read this correctly they never made it to a repair shop? And thus the KV-1 was demolished?

I don’t think GJN would ever allow this one according to their current parameters, sadly.


Its pretty standard for the fins to demolish vehicles to prevent the soviets from salavaging anything if possible.

Not entirely, the Japanese tiger was sold to japan, put on a boat. Was needed on the front so the boat turned around and sank in the ocean thus never making it to japan.


The japanese have a few photos of them examining the tiger in france before they purchased it. The submarine would sink sometime after her voyage to japan and the hull number for the tiger which is known, has never been reidentified which means that sometime after the voyage to japan she sank before arriving. No evidence of the tiger making it to japan has ever surfaced.

There are indeed some old 2016 examples of where GJN didn’t follow their own rules, but I can’t recall an addition of the last 5 years where such historical controversies were the case. (and even then the tiger was pulled of the ‘store’ quite fast (it was a pre-order for japansese ground forces, and pulled from the store 5 years ago), remember, this was when the Japanese historian employed by Gaijin made/used a lot of fake documents for potential vehicles to be added to the game). Remember that the Tiger was a leased tank from an allied nation.

At least for Captured equipment their rules have been the same since 2013… The only exceptions were made for the T-34 1941, of which many variants were captured I believe.

All im doing is trying to help finland. This is a rare kv not to mention notice the applique turret armor? It doesnt match anything i or others have seen, not to mention its a KV with a roof mounted machine gun mount which again in and of itself is fairly rare to see. If gaijin refuses to add one of the most reknown finnish tanks to their tt because germany has it they why cant finland get another potential tank to replace it?

I agree that Finland should get the KV-1B and maybe the T-34 747 as well. It’s just that GJN won’t agree.