What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

No reason they cant add the vehicles all over, theres a swedish j34 and a28 in the finnish air line and a finnish cv9030 in the swedish LT line. Literally nothing can stop them from adding appropriate vehicles to their respective areas. For air, sweden could get DK and Nor as a 5th air line.

Can’t you see that Russian TT is suffering?
Especially when it comes to to SPAAs, think of the poor Strela and Pantsir :(

You guys are on about mostly lower br tanks
I want the air tree sorted at a higher br
Fighter line should be:
J35D as present in game
J35F2 with RB24(J) and the two falcons
Ja37C with everything the JA37D has in game
JA37D with RB74M and RB99
JAS39A with RB74M and RB99
And the Gripen C removed, save it for when something more modern is being added instead of ruining all sense of historical accuracy for any future update
Until missiles such as 120C5 arrive, Finland can actually serve a purpose with the F 18

Second thing I’d like to add before I close the forum and forget about it for a week
Actual wishlist item:

What lmao? The gripen C rn is fine as is. Theres nothing left for it until MS50 and new weapons are added.

Also a J35F with falcons will not help unless it has CM and those missiles are good. Rn it would have to be on par or better than the F8U2 to warrant its addition. Secondly gaijin seems to have decided against ARH viggen as they probably wont to avoid making the tree as simple as grind second plane with 1 missiles difference considering how much of a meme the swedish air tree already is. Third you better pray for a sub nation since the current Swe and Fin duo ain’t gonna cut it for anything going jets and up. Sweden really lacks in variety. We dont need more drakens that are one hit wonders. Stuff like the D was good, its just not the meta nor does its flight performance make up for its current position. F 35 from Dk would be nice since its a draken with CM’s bombs and missiles. Additionally Norway and DK would help fill BR’s 1.0-13.7+ and it brings some much needed variety.

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The Swedish air tree is currently a fairly “pure” tree without many prototypes, from what I can tell every single aircraft is a mass produced machine that was officially adapted by the air force of either Sweden or Finland.
If we want to spice things up it should be possible to add a few prototype version in the tree. If the prototype versions are too similar to the final productions then they could always be used as event vehicles or premiums.

The RB28 is essentially a worse 9L
RB27 is radar guided
And it has IRST

The Jas39C is not needed as everything it currently has is what the JAS39A rocked in the 90s, it prevents them from adding Aim 120C5 or IRIS-T (unlikely in general) without jumping straight to the E variant or giving the C it which creates a huge jump in the tree

But yes the F35 should be added to bolster cas and RB28 for the AJ37

If they really want they can just add the Ja37 base as it gets everything the D has anyway but you can limit it’s stuff to a certain year

First picture of one of the Danish skyrangers which they ordered:

I’d say add it just because of how funny it would be to watch all the seething from the German mains if another TT got their hands on one.


Note that this photo was taken back in August of 2023. Recently, on August 21st 2024, the same vehicle was shown off in DALO Industry Days.


Interestingly, the Danish requirement for an SPAA mounting Mistrals means that it is quite likely that MBDA will pitch in to implement a new launcher onto the Skyranger 30 turret.


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Just to add for people who want to read it


F35 is wierd, since the research I have gone into hasnt been able to ID what the fuck AIM-9N2s are. Would be cool though, as long as they fix the FM.

Aim 9 E’s

Ive done a vehicle suggestion for it just waiting for it to be accepted

Really? Ive seen some info saying they might be 9Ps or 9Js, idk

Ive been given 2 or so sources one stating wjat youve said and one claiming 9E’s. Regardless its for gaijin to decide and balance.

Would be amusing if they gave it 9P-4s or -5s, all-aspect draken would be awesome.

Even more if we get the J35O as a premium, since that has P-5s.

Dealing with this shit rn

Probably gonna be german unfortunately

Nope, since we already have the 105O in the swedish tree.

Thats not how it works, for now yes it will probably go to sweden but if its confirmed for germany it could be added.