What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”





Don’t have anything to add, just wanted to share a photo relating to the discussion of atg munitions on the Draken, S35 testing the Rb05.

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What’s this for? The F-35 Draken prototype?

No, just a reconisance version of the J35 i believe

Since S=Spaning(Recon)35

I don’t think so, the nose of the S35E looks like that


Its the upgrade that the F35 underwent in the 80’s alongside gettings a lot of its electronics changed about. Specifically radar and rwr. Flares and chaff were installed alongside these.



Sweden and Finland recently put a joint order on 260 GTP from Sisu Auto. I noticed that one of the ordered version is an AA version. Something to keep an eye on. Deliveries to start as soon as this fall.


Do we have any information what the AA-version looks like?

We know almost nothing. I only found out there is an AA version because of a single source. Luckily it’s a damn good source, Swedish YLE (Finnish news in Swedish).

Maybe people who know Finnish will have an easier time finding details on the internet.

Apparently Yle took their news straight from FVM, the Swedish military acquisition agency. So that’s an even better source.

(link in Swedish) https://www.fmv.se/aktuellt--press/aktuella-handelser/fmv-har-tagit-emot-nya-trupptransportfordon/

Personally, I’ll be betting on something like the RBS 70/90 being the AA system used for the platform.

The Swedish name for the vehicle will be TGB24.

You’re probably right about it being the RBS 70/90. I did a quick look-around but the only other AA-system I could find was the RBS 23, but that is normally towed and might be too big to be modified to be carried on the vehicle. That’s probably a good thing since the RBS 70 has been shown that it can be used against land based targets so it fits the game even better.

Sweden has already purchased Saab MSHORAD for testing on the Bv 410. MSHORAD is basically an RBS 70 NG triple mount for vehicle use. Seems like the most likely candidate as it has already been marketed on a variety of wheleed platforms. RBS 23 is a far too heavy system and requires a heavy truck to be carried. It should be noted that the Swedish marines are looking at getting autocannons as AA for their CB90s so it is possible that something similar could be done for Tgb 24, but I doubt it


So it’ll probably end up looking a bit like this (from Saab’s website, not an actual tgb 24).

I was also thinking that maybe they’d go with radar assisted autocannons for drone protection, but probably not, as that would likely require development of a new system.

At the end of the video it also shows a 122 with the system

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I would like the Norwegian AMRAAM Humvee please.
Or the same thing but with the AIM-9X because it could use that and the AIM-120

Gwt gaijin to change their opinion on Norway then i guess. Cause DK and Norway aren’t even swedish subtrees as Smin stated so…

Fair Enough

Somewhat ironic considering that Italy seems to be getting a Romanian SAM despite the nation only existing in the form of premium vehicles, just like the aforementioned nordic countries.

There is one (1) tech tree romanian vehicle:
In Italy: S.M.79 B - War Thunder Wiki
In Germany: S.M.79 B (Germany) - War Thunder Wiki
So Romania is somehow more of a subtree nation than Denmark and Norway…

Then again, I really don’t like more soviet equipment being added to Italy.