What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Its also more likely to see the Buk M1 from Finland


Ah, I forgot about these, obviously because they are just reskinned Italian aircraft, but I suppose your point stands lol.

And I wouldn’t have any issues if the Osa had some interesting Romanian modifications or missiles to set it apart from the Soviet (and now German?) versions. I don’t have any sort of hate against the Soviets, just one against copy paste, so unique modifications of Soviet vehicles are perfectly fine to me.

4 missiles seems like quite a low complement though, perhaps after some sort of AA resupply point gets added.

Yeah, That I do agree on. I was unpleasantly surprised to see which finnish modifications Gaijin chose for their subtree vehicles. They could have been more unique.

But in the end, more AA is always better for any tech tree. So in thay way you won’t hear me complain.


I too would rather unique modifications if possible but sometimes thats not the case. Regardless id rather have TT’s have their holes fixed rather then left with nothing. Its one of the reasons i want DK ao i can have the ETS vehicles or the 9035’s, or the F35 (draken)

Norway and DK will have a lot of copy pasta but it would help diversify the TT. I mean sweden air once you hit 4.3 is essentially a fighter and strike version of that fighter all the way to 11.0 cut that and the tree is pretty barren especially finland. Such a pathetic excuse for an addition imo in its current state.


This wouldve been better than the scout vehicle forced into the spaa role we have

Unfortunately the likelihood we get this is about as likely as gaijin making finland air actually useful, or their ground tree being unique


Is that a finnish SISU with a twin 23mm?

I would love both those AAs and now I want a gun truck that can do stuff to (light) ground targets

Sisu itk

See thats even more unrealistic than gaijin adding any more patria’s (not that theyd be tt if they did)


so… Like a technical?

I mean that’s basically what that is innit?

Still waiting on the finnish mig 21 to be unique, sure the MGBT only had additional CM’s and a ecm pod but its still unique

True that. If Germany can have multiple tech tree Argentinian vehicles, Britain can get the Canadian Skink and M113 ADATS, and Russia can get the Czech M53/59, I hardly see any reason why already established Nordic countries can’t contribute a few of their vehicles for extra tree support that Finland can’t provide.

This WWII monstrosity then?

maybe for reserve tier AA lol

Most likely this is just a matter of time. They do need to expand all tech trees with one or more vehicles every update. After a couple ten or so updates some Norwegian or Danish vehicle will undoubtly be added.

At first Hungary was also only a support nation, and not a subtree nation.

Because gaijin would have to care. Finland has been the most lackluster and uninteresting TT theyve added. My biggest gripe isnt that it was entirely bad but that it didn’t fix any holes. We already had 4.3 fighters, we needed 5.x we didn’t need another vampire but here we go we got another one. Ect ect. Finland couldve been added in such a way that added unique vehicles with some copy paste but gaijin didnt care enough. The KV-1A is a great example of how little they care.


As a premium/event of course that way its unavailable to the majority