What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

I dont even know what tank you are talking about lmao
And the Pbv 301 isnt getting removed

No the ush204gk lmao. Read the document

Hope they let us keep it tbh, the lvkv 42 sucks

Did that work for the french? You know DF-Deutsch-Franco again we will see. Heres my cope. Now to go back to getting yelled at by a german player on the subreddit for saying i think the Lazur is okay and not trash like he thinks. Average reddit player mindset.

Hope we get the finnish modifications of the KV-1 this update ngl

heres hoping

Last I checked Finland didn’t modify the KV-1, any applique armor is just referring to what was added by the Soviets before its capture.

Yeah for sure, by far the best CAS plane we have is the A32A. 3x Six-Hundred Kilogramme bombs, CCRP, and rocket capable, with an RWR and Chaff at 9.0, is pretty decent, and it’s gets a gun computer, but your only gonna scratch a bit with a 20mm Hispano.

Doesnt really matter itd be cool to see. Also theres nothing siggesting against it either as fi land also made the niki which there are no records of russia having up armored t-50’s which would make it unique. Though i think its fair to say outside of the cv9030 and itpsv 90, the bt42 was really the most unique vehicle added with finland ground which imo was a poor choice to not include the more iconic vehicles finland upgraded like the Sturmi alongside it.

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I see no reason for this to be faked, that page has been floating about since long before the 20 mm U-SH started being discussed for WT. There’s also another document that mentions it in reference to Oerlikon products. It’s likely that the armament setup was developed by Oerlikon in some sort of collaboration with Landsverk, likely under the same arrangement that resulted in the U-SH equpped with the Oerlikon rocket launchers already in-game. What you end up with are Swedish AFVs based on German trucks equipped with Swiss armament. There may be reason to add these vehicles to other trees in the future, but no reason to remove them from Sweden


There were also these pics


Well of course both captured KV-1s still exist today, so if there were any Finnish-specific modifications then perhaps it could be investigated. Either way, while I don’t have much interest in seeing yet another unmodified Russian tank in the Finnish subtree, I wouldn’t be opposed to Finland getting the KV-1A model with the cast turret and ZiS-5 gun for the sake of a low tier tech tree heavy.

Although like you said the Sturmi should probably still be a priority over all else.

Id like for gaijn to focus on what adds to the existing br lineups as around 4.0 you’re stuck with really mid TD’s so having kv-1’s that wouodnt be 4.7 would be nice. 4.3 is already a stretxh as it doesnt have much of a lineup which is why im wanting the B model besides it definitely should be 4.3 but gaijin doesnt think so.

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Yeah that’s the Oerlikon source that I mentioned. It’s no more German than it is Swiss

I may have put it already, but there’s an extra there now.

BMP-2MD (Fin)

(should have been added with Fire&Ice)
T-72FINMOD (Fin)

(Also should have taken the form of what is currently the T-72M1)
To fill the gap of the T-72M1 (Fin), the T-72A/M1 (SWE)

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That’s not the real FINMOD. The vehicle pictured is a T-72M1s vismodded to look like a T-72B for use in Finnish training material. That’s also why it looks kinda shoddy and the “ERA” covers the smoke launchers in such a weird way. As for the real FINMOD, there were only a few testbeds, one testing a V-84-1 engine and another with rubber tracks. Basically, FINMOD in-game would just be a T-72M1 with a T-72B engine

All the Swedish trial T-72s were T-72M1s afaik. I can see it being added but I’d be sceptical of it as anything other than a premium/event vehicle

Even though it is not needed, the finnish tested MiG-29 with R-13M1 could be our 12.0 prem (though i honestly hope it either is squad, TT, or just not added)

(Edit) just saw this was ground and not air lmao

There’s a lot more to it than just that.

I’ve heard it got thermals; an LRF, and newer FCS.

There were rather extensive plans but to my knowledge the only modifications that were actually made to Finnish T-72s for FINMOD were the two testbeds I mentioned. The photo with what looks to be a T-72 with ERA is just a VISMOD

I wasn’t aware of the T-72 with a Wärtsilä engine before, but from my understanding that modification was made by Wärtsilä France as a private venture, not part of the FINMOD project and calling it Finnish is grasping at straws since it’s really a French company under the ownership of a consortium based in Finland

The tank with Wärtsilä V8X engine and RENK transmission was a collaborative effort with French company for eurosatory along with testing systems for FINMODs engine useage on a Finnish T-72M1 tank.

The video/tank in question, is infact associated with FINMOD project. The original video, originates from PVMOODLE.

First FINMOD upgrade stage would not have included much more than new FCS akin to T-55M, thermals and new apfsds.
Second stage would have been the same + era and some sort of threat warning system.

Everything regarding FINMOD modernization was tested, even the stage 3s LWS/RWR systems. However afaik, the stage 3 was never assembled.