What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Nah last time i suggested a vehicle that should come to both sweden and germany i got threats from german players about how swedish players only want everything for themselves. Youve just asked for a mockup turret to be added. That is essentially a death sentence in my experience.


It was the UDES 19 btw with the marder chassis btw

Still looking for that mid tier CAS in GRB 4-5 BR

Try looking for a time machine cause there basically wont ever be any unfortunately. Gaijin would have to let in items that were never produced any much more.

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For the sake of game play some kind of Premium would be really useful if only to proceed.Same with Israel.

Again try a time machine because sweden will never get CAS at those BRS and their air tree will stay a graveyard of untouched vehicles aside from a few people playing them considering sweden is basically done for outside of the f18 and another gripen

It is weird how this game is so rigid historically in ways that are negative to the game and anti historic in ways that are negative.

It was not functional on the UDES 19, only a mockup. The turret on the UDES XX 20 was a different one. The structure is visually different and on UDES 19 the gunner was seated right under the gun while on the UDES XX 20 he was seated forward and to the left in the hull. UDES XX 20 could fire but didn’t have a functioning loading system or magazine


Aha, I see
When those extra pannels were added on XX20 turret they look very alike, hence why I thought

Thank you for the clarification!

On the topic of CAS, we will probably end up seeing the Saab 24 (B/J 24) in game at some point. Though it only came so far as a wind tunnel model, work on the air frame for the prototype was made so it can be added by Gaijins rules. Not gonna happen for a while but its possible.

Newspaper talking about the armament:

Diverse cast of bombs, biggest load would be one external 500kg bomb with two 250kg bombs internally.


Only a mock-up so we won’t see it in-game but damn do i want this thing


Didn’t the nose IR thing on that get built and tested on a Ja-37? I recall something like that but i might just be confusing it with something else. If however it was like that, wouldn’t that also make it sort of “first metal cut” or am i just cope-ing here?

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Same and tbh we also got couple mock-up designs in this game.

I believe this vehicle deserve a place in this game.

Someone posted this on reddit. Without more sources i cant say whether its real or not but thought it should be posted.
(Inb4 sweden loses its only real spaa addition to low tier since the pbv301 was added)

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I like how we get a vehicle i’ve never heard about before as our gap filler, meanwhile the lvkv 43 is still not added
It looks nice but come on :(

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Itll probably get removed if anyone can prove a source for this document

Yeap, they got beef with anything that isnt the Duster. does it have a dual 40mm, or even one. slim chance they are adding it.

Why would they remove it?
Dont think there are any fake swede tanks

Doubt it would get removed tbh, at least not for a couple of updates. To be removed this soon would be a huge waste not just for players but for Gaijin themselves.

Df105 situation all over again, i dont see the df105 on france