What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

what vehicles are sweden in most need of??? CAS vehicles, yes the entire swedish TT doesn’t have a single 1000kg bomb (Ju88 exist but it’s a rank 2)

Don’t think we really went past 600kg
The T-18B was capable and planned to carry a 1000kg bomb, however i can’t really find out if the bomb was ever made or abandoned

Swedish CAS is a joke and below the bare minimum to function, we need an entire new subtree and norway and denmark won’t cut it, they too barely have CAS and it wouldn’t really make much of a diff, maybe in some BRs it will help but in some not all.

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True, but even if they were tech tree i doubt people would use them. They seem to be meme vehicles, but not the good kind, just the “it looks fun” kind. Hoping for the Bv LARS but i wouldn’t mind other vehicles getting added first.

The Saab 18?
Nah man, that shit is a damn good, you’ll be bombing, dogfighting and somehow surviving

woops, thinking about the wrong post
I did kinda like the Type 75, but in the end i’d only use them if they are research

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I personally love the B18 & T18 series, but people forget the B17A is also a good option when there is other aircraft up, it turns great even with full bomb load, Has 250kg bomb + 4 50kg bombs. if you are precise you can get a kill with each bomb. And you can act as a recon aircraft since your stall speed is incredibly low with about 100km/h. Although you are vulnerable to AA guns. your airframe can take a surprising beating.

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Or i like to bring the J20 to 5.0, the J22-A too. i personally don’t find the J21 series too good at CAS roles. Sure the A21-A3 has CCRP but for me i personally find it better to focus on preventing the Enemy to have a say in air dominance. The Finnish buffalo is also great for that

Ive never had a problem with Swedish cas, the only mid ones are the early jets, no bombs yeah? But the rest are pretty good.

Personally the J21-RB is god tier. the armament is good enough for CAS rockets have a learning curve but otherwise Very effective, very accurate. The guns are okay. just good enough to deal with lighter targets and aircraft. Speed is too good for the aircraft to handle. The Swedish vampire has the same performance except the speed is more consistent. i bring the A29A to most 7.7 or 8.0 br,s

Sweden love the 14.5 cm rockets. they are the main selling point since they pen all.

Love the A21-RB too but only in Air RB, i cant aim with rockets so i never use em. Even if they got the incendiary bombs they should have i doubt id use the A21-RB for anything other than air defense in Ground battles. Just a personal problem, i’m sure the rockets are great for anyone that can aim.

Its sad all the J21 B18 B17 aircraft were equipped with the BT-7 CCRP sight for both bombs and rockets. so if the sight was implemented correctly in all aircraft you could be relatively accurate with the rockets.

Only the A21-A3 has BT-7 CCRP for bombs only though…

Speaking off. Sweden really needs the BT-7 mechanical CCRP sights and computers.

Hey now, anything that helps me do cas better is welcome. Cas is by far the thing i suffer from the most, i cant play it and i always die from it, sucks on both ends.

To be honest going forward with sweden air whats left. An f18 and the C maybe the E eventually outside of that sweden air is done unless they change their view on norway and denmark even then thats not much outside of an f16 from either or. I doubt gaijin has plans to add another subtree or to give a actual care in the world towards the air tree. I guess brazil gripen would be a cool event vehicle like the class 3p.

I know I’m a bit late but here is a picture of the UDES 19 in a parade.


Does that gun actually work, i thought it was a mockup vehicle. Also nice parade.

(Maybe getting confused with the stev 103 chasis)

Woah, nice pic!

Not sure if it works on the UDES 19, but here is the same turret on UDES XX20.

Even if it were a mockup turret on UDES 19 I think it’d be fair to add anyways, as it was functional on another vehicle.

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If ive learned anything, if its a swedish vehicle im gonna get threats if they add it lmao. Kinda like how i want sweden air to have something to bring people to it unfortunately since everyone and their mother is getting gripens theres no reason, especially since the drakens and viggen are pretty mid imo.

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Not sure how that relates, but I guess I feel for you?