What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Next Swedish spaa is most likely a Pbil variant, feels like the easiest option and it would give new players something other than the Pvlvv. However the Lvkv fm/43 was passed for consideration not too long ago so who knows.

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the ikv 91 is going to 8.0 tbh im not suprised

cope i think its just gonna be a hard br decompression

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I dont think 8.0 - 8.7 will be a fun tier now. granted we have the U-sh but still. And i meant im not suprised the Ikv 91 went up. it was really busted even at 7.7

i believe its going to be moved next month just that they are getting ready for the first part

Remember the times when it was at 6.7? Pepperidge Farm remembers…

8.7 is one of my favorite brs ill just use the best TD on sweden, the leopard 2 Marksman. Ah the long time nordic tradition of making TD’s disguised as SPAA

The Strv m/42 has had many strange modifications and one-off experimental additions to it over the years it was active, i suggest we compile them all into one vehicle, the Strv m/42 EV!

With my expert photoshop super skillz i have manged to create how it would look like below, behold…
Ikv_73 (1) (1)

When converting the Strv m/42’s to Ikv 73’s, a one-off prototype Strv m/42 was equipped with a single engine and a Volvo gearbox, thereby creating the EV, it was scrapped afterwards as it was not needed.

One test experimented with fitting an m/42 with smoke launchers, none were equipped in service.

One test equipped an m/42 with side skirts, no irl image exists, only blueprints, but it is said to have been done, was also not accepted into service.

A few Strv m/42’s were equipped with mountings on the back for an granatkastare m/84 mortar similar to the Strv m/40K.

The 8mm aa machine gun was actually equipped on many different M/42’s well before they were turned into the Ikv 73, but id add it here too!

All in all we have a horrifying amalgamation of different m/42’s in one vehicle, since Gaijin doesn’t seem to accept one-off additions like smokes as modifications to tanks they can add them all into this instead!


Vile and repulsive doesnt even begin to explain my emotions regarding this “thing” i love it.

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If there was one tank that screams swedish desperation, or modern russian tank design this is it!

What’s your source on a single engined m/42 being equipped with a Volvo gerbox (I assume the same one as on the m/42 TV)?

Is there any source on any m/42 actually having mounting points for mortars like the m/40K, or is it only based on that photo? If it’s the latter, it may well be a case of one being loaded for transport or as some form of field improvisation. The mortar mounting on the m/40 is rather visually distinctive and I’ve never seen anything like that on an m/42. Also, I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of the 8 cm grk m/29, the strv m/42 had been out of service for many years by the time the grk m/84 arrived

My source for the EV is good ole Rickard O. Lindström from Ointres se on his piece on Ikv’s 72 - 103, great place for info on Swedish vehicles but even he only mentions it once (Translated)

“In parallel with the introduction of the Ikv 102/103, 56 of the 57 Strv m/42 EH (with an engine and hydromechanical gearbox) were also rebuilt as Infanterikanonvagn 73 (an EH vehicle was used in trials with a mechanical gearbox and was scrapped in 1954)”.

As for the mortar i have the word of Sp15, generally knows his stuff, also the source of the image. You are probably right about the mortar though, variant wise, i would be surprised if you could just slap a mortar on the engine deck and fire without causing some form of damage.



Here you go

Norway have F16 so i wonder if gaijin could add it after the mig21 ? or in the other lines

Norwegian vehicles will be premiums only so maybe years from now

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There are alot of modified vehicles norway produced like the Super chaffee with the 90mm etc

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F-18C, as Finland uses it, and it’s the next probable step in the American line, so give it to Sweden (Finland) as well to fill the hole at the end of the Finn TT.

Oh god, wait, I forgot, if the Americans complain about German tech going to Sweden (Königstiger) then they will be very unhappy when we get their tech, lmfao, wouldn’t surprise me though.


Can’t wait for F-35 to be added and have it in 7 nations
US, Sweden, Italy, UK, Germany, Japan and Israel