What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

looking at this pic they did add the flag and other decals to it so it would be quite easy to tell them apart in-game

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There was also the idea of mounting the turret onto a Strv m/42 chassie but they abandoned the idea for a new turret which then became the Strv 74

tactical bean-mobile

We still have every vehicle from the poster except the King tiger, and Russian tanks. We do have a T-34 85 tho. they are not on the main display since Arsenalen simply doesn’t have the space, they are all in storage

Wasn’t a swedish gun fitted

I do remember reading about using a different gun and autoloader but wether it was just an idea or implemented at some point is not something i’ aware of

I have a book in french about the trial, I’ll look into it

Here’s a suggestion for it on the old forum, he does mention the modifications there

and since it seems you know french, he also added this which needs to be translated

i dont know french, but i have the book.

Is that a single-barreled AMOS mounted on it?!

Known as NEMO, same thing but single and lonely :(

Fancy, i could def seeing this getting added, if not this then the one on the Mars 4x4 seeing as its up and running in the media already, the EldE looking fine as usual too.

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i just wish gaijin would add the regular Lvkv 9040

I just want the camos and this goes for every nation, to not be blurry. Idk why but so many look blurry as hell. Also i want my 9040 radar to have the white edges pls gaijin(and Barracuda netting)

Want some back up for the C eh? Really though, cant really think of any huge reason for the Regular to be added other than seeing its in service, perhaps you get it at a lower br but there are cooler alternatives, Chameleon or TD2, not too different to the A other than a baller name.

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The 9040B and the bill are the best of the 9040s rn just for speed alone. I love my lvkv and my C’s but man they are slow. Also since the B has no lineup ill. just keep playing it at 10.0-11.7 since gaijin refuses to make the cv9030 go to 8.7(pls) once the 9030 is balanced in br and spalling id love to actually enjoy playing it but man that thing is so bad imo.

We have to see the S2 at some point right? Probably an event vehicle.
Strv S2 on trials, winter of 1961. The tank already has a 62 caliber long gun, but no fume extractor.


We can see it when they fix the missing gun depression on the A, the O has more gun depression rn and its been like 4 months since they acknowledged the bug. Also didnt the S2 get a 20mm gun for the commander?

I think the 20 was only mounted on the S1. Poor elevation and only 40 rounds lead to its removal when the S2 came around.

Eldenhet 98 in service has the radar on a separate vehicle too. Only the prototype has radar and launcher on the same vehicle. MSHORAD concept has only been showed with split radar and launcher vehicles and that’s really the way you want it for modern SHORAD anyway