What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

What you need Medium tanks? I got you.

Strv m/42 TM, Strv m/42 TH, Strv m/42 TV And the freaking BBV m/42!

No? okie-dokie


Wait no wrong tank

Huh, i just realised scandinavia never utilised heavy tanks since their terrain wouldnt allow it

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Now I’m not sure about the Churchill, but at least Panther was only acquired for testing rather than any intention of seeing service. I’d rather see something like AMX-13 being added as a 6.7 premium since it was actually seriously considered for service twice and tested in Sweden

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Best actually swedish tank options for rank 4 at this point is probably the other strv 74 which only differs in gearbox and would effectively be a copy paste lineup filler. While not proper tanks, there is stuff like the 122 PsH 74 (2S1) and 155GH52-SP-T55 as big gun vehicles for rank 4. BMP-25 or Pasi with the same 25 mm turret might work there too after the pbv 501 too but not sure

The fact that we still dont have the Strv m/40L with Rb 51’s is criminal

Swedish tank weirdness is honestly underrepresented in game, sure the 103 and 74 do their job but were’s this kind of stuff?


Why do I try telling people copy paste literally remove any fun from the game.

playing a Abrams vs Abrams, T80 vs T80, i just- ughhh

I can definitely accept modified variants or every once in a while rare premiums. that wont end up in every match.

Like the Norwegian M24 Chaffee with a AML-90 cannon or etc.

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this is the kind of stuff I love to see!! Sweden is all about being weird and unique!

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Getting articulated vehicles would do a lot of good for Swedish weirdness too

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Hear me out


Indeed, the newest spaa ordered for testing by the Swedish army is one im looking forward to,
Triple RBS 70 NG launcher on a Bv 410, already like the 410 so this is fantastic.

At least one Kranvagn can be added lol.

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Bandvagn 206 (Bv 206) with the LARS 110mm MLRS on the rear portion.


IMO the best unique Finnish tank options for rank III or IV would be the T-34-85 w/ Stuk 40 and Comet w/ 20 pounder



Got any pics? Dont think ive heard of it

I don’t know if a pic has been released, only info that the vehicle has been procured.
All i got on it, Its in Swedish though.

Probably something along the lines of this, as seen on Saab’s website (MSHORAD - Safe Sky - Secure Ground). This image only seems to be a render though. For War Thunder it would likely function as a worse ASRAD-R, having no integrated radar and only three ready missiles


Yeah probably, but if lucky it might be more similiar to the Eldenhet 98

looking a bit further they did show this thing off in 2023

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Speaking of the bvs, this is derpy looking


They actually bought the amx 13 and i think its still in sweden, not sure what musuem it’d be in.

according to ointres, Försvarsfordonsmuseet Arsenalen in Strängnäs

I guessed it would probs be there