What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Someone made a suggestion for it

Guys i am very against blueprint vehicles BUT i am so desperate for a heavy tank that i want that Swedish obese amx 50 with actual good armor

Well it was kinda built

Whats the blueprint part?
As far as i’m aware, the tank existed and was trialed by Sweden

Or are you maybe talking about the Strv KRV?

No i am talking about the emil heavy tank project the hull was built only the 105 auto loading gun turret wasnt

Gotcha, Strv KRV is the Emil tho

Here’s a link to a suggestion someone made for it

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Yes this one

Whelp looks like Rider is going after sweden air vehicles with his poor math skills. Thankfully someone managed to fix his math so the viggen wont be as hurtas much but still will be nerfed. Rip j35xs and j35d players.

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For the love of god, what horror have i missed this time

strv 2000 lmao

Idk, im equally as worried.

His math is wrong, also every vehicle in war thunder over performs its a game and not a 100% accurate depiction of real life. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what hes doing and how hes abusing the system for the worse. Hes the one who got the mig 23’s fm changed potentially and the mig 21’s and many others hes done. Seem like a salty player to me.

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Also the im gonna destroy this FM image is in response before he suggested the more speed loss on the j35’s. Essentially if you pull harder than 4g’s you’ll bleed about 50% more speed yeah that seems fine to leave at 10.0+ if that gets changed. Not like it was already kinda mid compared to the mirages but oh well.

can’t really read out the smaller text but isn’t that graph talking about the F-8E?
whats the relation to the J35
Also the bug report is about the J37?

Bringing in what i have but there is a bug report for the j35 made by him. The response thing doesnt have the full thing but hes essentially on a spee to to nerf as many vehicles as he can because gaijin listens to him as evident with many of his other posts. Its more just a cation post that id recommend you look at his posts. Hes done many but as this is sweden related i decided to show the ja37 and mention the j35, due feel free to check and give me your opinion.

Also here is him blatantly showing how someone noticed his lies

Here is his post for j35

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heres 2 more images


Here is some things we 100% need.

Ikv 72 with the 10,5cm L/21 gun used on the Sav m/43


Mortar carrier version of the fm/49 (Early Ikv 72 hull) with dual 12cm mortars


Swedish L-60 prototype

Landsverk Lago


If i remember correctly the Lago 1 is VERY incorrect in its current implementation.

  • The cannon is a 47mm Hungarian model.
  • the hull 13.2 MG isn’t even modelled.
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They all look really cool, but does this one have direct fire capability?