What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Hopefully we get to see the Unstabalized CV-90s and the IKV-91 with the BOFORS

I want IRST for ALL of the CV90’s


How about a lovely M8 greyhound?

Lots of people have said it’s “captured” but it was a part of the UN peace-keeping forces in the Congo that’s the Swedish used, as well as their air cover, the A29B.

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There was one that mounted both the 50. cal and an additional two Ksp m/36 machine guns that would make it more unique.


Yep, it would make a good premium

Wait seriously?
It looks so real tho 😢

A smokey M/40 is something that would be nice, as a mod to the L in game would be enough.


Tried submit it as a modification to the Strv 40/L but didnt get accepted

Strange, if the m/31 can get apds then this shouldnt be a problem, was it not enough info or something?

I do wonder how it would preform though, looks comfy to be in tbh.
nemo_bvs10-3 - Copy (2)

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Afaik yes. The only pictures come from a single marketing PDF. You cen tell that the turret is a bit too smooth and doesn’t quite line up with the hull. This is the original:

Its a wish list right? A shame that they never mounted them, Ikv 91 with missiles…


It feels like they are preparing for a new SPAA…

anybody else?

We now have 1.7, 2.3, 2.7, 3.0, 4.3, (none), 7.7, 8.7- onward

Hmm one can only hope

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In fact all WW2 stuff is getting moved up.

Soo, will we maybe just maybe get more WW2 stuff in general? HMM WW2 Players gather!

We could really use an 8.0 AA. Something with more than 120 rounds per min.

in my head this makes me think were getting a 5.0 or 6.3 or better 7.7

Hopefully it will be a 3.7 spaa, i need one for my lineup…

Really though, what makes you think that? The Anti has been called unfair for ages, its surprising that it took so long to get a br raise.

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idk it just oozes new vehicle vibes. 1.7, 2.3, 2.7, 3.0, 4.0, (), (), 7.0, 8.7, 9.3, 9.7, 10.3

It feels like it would add a opportunity for a SPAA at 5.0 - 6.0 idk might be nothing

It would be good if they looked into the Swedish tree a little. Everything before 8.0 is a mess, it’s near impossible to set a proper 4 tank lineup of even BR tanks and AA.

Next Swedish spaa is most likely a Pbil variant, feels like the easiest option and it would give new players something other than the Pvlvv. However the Lvkv fm/43 was passed for consideration not too long ago so who knows.

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