What the hell with Su-33, Gaijin?!

Already 3 timet over this 1.5 day i faced Su-33, shoot it. Then it turn around like nothing happend and kill me.



I played a lot since yesterday update release and no other Jets behave the same.
What the hell wrong with you Gaijin?!?!?!?!?

Servers been pretty bad last night when I played so desync seems to be the likeliest suspect.

I’m talking 60 ping and 30% packetloss playing on EU servers.

Oh yea… such good coincidence that it start to desync only when i meet Su-33…

This is propably partially the reason why some people believe in russian bias.

Just do not overthink some weird encounters and move on.
If the su 33 truly had such op abilities, the forum would be filled with such complaints.
Gaijin would not gain much profit if only one plane had such magic abilities