What’s your favorite br lineup and why?

Enjoyable line-up + you can slot in the T-72M1 with or instead of the A1A1 (or KPz-70)

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I have 2 empty slots in Germany still, one will be for the Alpha Jet at some point and the other one I will put the T-72. The A1A1 will be replaced by the KPz-70 at some point.

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4.7 USSR T 34-57, su 100Y, TisMa, RBT 5, ITP, KV 2 1940, KV 1 Zis 5, plus an spaa
but 5.7 or 6.3 USSR is also very nice

6.0 USSR is the true gold. You get to use both best CAS planes at mid BRs (Yak-9UT and TU-2) and if you have it you get one of the best heavy tanks in the form of KV-220

sure and if you go to 6.3 you can take tanks like t 44 122 with you and t 34 100, both of them are quite fun to play + m53/59 as spaa

7.7 France ground, autoloader are just too fun and 7.0 US with m551which is quite cool.

Destroying tiger in the ammo is always nice to see after all.

8.7 sweden. IKV 91-105, T-55M, Strv-104, Saab-105, Itpsv leopard, Pbv 302
Only thing it lacks is a fighter, but the saab-105 is good enough in 90% of situations since you mostly fight CAS, so the suboptimal FM isn’t too big of a deal. Sadly I don’t have more crew slots to bring the strv-103 or vampire. Very strong on longer ranged maps, and on CQC maps the T-55M and Itpsv Leo are good enough. Also the saab-105 has CCIP for its bombs, so it’s basically 2-4 free kills depending on if you care for the AIM-9s or not.

8.7 sweden

I agree but a massive HESH shell bonking someone on the head will never not be funny as hell, especially when your ERA eats a shell it really shouldn’t have first

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Oh, yeah, in that regard 100%. The most satisfying, funny, and enjoyable kills are when you lob the HESH from a distance, when you kill multiple vehicles at once, and when you nuke a heavy tank by hitting somewhere like their tracks (latter two examples from same battle). And then, as you said, the ERA soaks up good damage, while you have a healthy amount of smoke (which deploys in a smoke screen way). It really is a beast and one of my favourite vehicles. I got a folder full of clips of this thing over the years because you just have so many funny kills in it.

Added the T92 and M46 to my 6.7 lineup, I can see this is going to be painful until the heat or sabot shells are researched 😭

Why a 7.0 only has access to apc until the third tier is ridiculous

So far I’ve been in 7.7 every game, is this common?

despite HESH sucking ass being able to blow any tank to hell with a track shot feels so good.

what really bugs me is that there was a HESH rework half a year ago which made hesh work consistent and as expected, I was killing T90s with the FV4005 really easy (as expected from a shell the weight of a teenager and with the TNT yield weight of a toddler) it quietly got reverted to its awful state after a week though. I miss all the tanks that would get vapourised so much