What reward's would you like to see in war thunder?

A reward for destroying the engine/transmission of a turretless tank 10x ina row. Must be the same tank all 10 times.


Oh my god you devil. YES

Strv 103 will smugly laugh for not being counted as a TD.


Oh I completely forgot, gonna double dip, sry about that

“Maneuver kill” - if an undamaged enemy crashes within a certain distance of you or within a certain distance of your missile, you get the kill. If the enemy has taken damage from another player the kill is attributed as normal.


That would fix so much.

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Not sure if you’ve seen this suggestion so I’ll link it here

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imo planes crashing should work identical to J’ing out. I do agree an extra manuever kill reward would be nice.

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I would like to see a reward in Air RB (after the match) for taking out the enemy top player(s) - as a counterweight to the (s)kill bonus. The reward would actually reward skill as the (s)kill bonus just count kills and does not reflect the difficulty increase of killing an actually skilled opponent.

If i kill as last guy on my team the last 2 enemies which have killed together 10 of my teammates during the match a reward like “Top player” killed would be more than adequate, a lot of shooters give extra rewards if you kill the best / most successful enemy player(s).

In a best case scenario there would various iterations of such a reward like:

Top player killed
Top players 1 & 2 killed
Top players 1-3 killed

This works (ofc) best in a single spawn mode.

Proportional Rewards for survival time in Ground RB. Similar to Air RB to reward ground players for staying in the match for as long as possible or until the match ends.

The reward woulds increase as number of deaths decreases including zero.

There’s always a bonus for time but if you consumed 5 - 6 vehicles spawns during the match your bonus would diminish. If you effectively satisfy the conditions for “Survivor” you get the max RP and SP bonuses.

The goal of this reward would work to incentivise ‘stayers’ as opposed to 1 death ‘leavers’. Generally speaking, I think the gameplay might be improved if players of all skill levels didn’t treat their tanks as being disposable throwaways.


Yeah, i won this match playing 1 vs 4 after 11 minutes with 112 vs 2.700 tickets by killing the last enemy with 1:10 minutes left. If i had not killed 3 ai planes before the last kill (whilst bringing me in a disadvantageous position due to this) i would have lost.

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This would be pretty great. At the very least it could work as a bonus for the score you get for killing someone similar to killing higher br planes (anecdotal observation that kills in uptiers seem to be much higher score and sl than downtiers)

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Was about to ask for this one.

a reward for getting to top tier

Maybe the real reward was the friends we made along the way


Thx for your support. Actually i have this idea since the introduction of the (s)kill bonus, simply because as gaijin is not consistent in their view on things.

  • On one hand they quote that taking out enemy players is the “ultimate goal of playing wt” and they reduce the game to a plain shooter, on the other hand they do not reward game / match decisive actions (enough).

  • You might have noticed that the 5.000 SL bonus as lone survivor will not paid if you don’t kill the pilot. So depending on the ticket drain (starting after “aircraft destroyed”) and your positioning vs the enemy you killed you won’t get the bonus if the enemy player does not crash or bail out before his team tickets reach zero points.

  • Same if you activate a "be the best " order if you play 1 vs 1 as last players alive. If you are unlucky enough your last opponent was “severely damaged” earlier, but is still fully functional (like the infamous black horizontal stabilizers) - you donate 15.000 SL.

  • Why? if you kill him he gets 135 points (=i got shot down reward) whilst you just receive just the 90 points for finishing him off. I made this error once…

This must have happened outside Air RB matches - if all aircraft are in the same BR range (= + & ./. 1.0) you get for kills of full uptier planes (relative to your aircraft) still the “rank doesn’t matter bonus” - otherwise all kills produce the same mission score and SL/RP rewards.

The sole exception from my pov is when you kill an enemy lower than the 1.0 range. This happens if you kill trolling biplanes or otherwise active enemies (mostly part of a squad).

Have a good one!

It’s not as big of a difference for full kills in a smaller range, but it seems to exist. I’ve recently had a game where I was 7.3 BR, killed 2 planes at 7.0 BR for 444 score then killed a 7.3 plane for 450 score.


All these kills were me getting on their tail and hitting them with a burst of hispano HEF-I that cut their tail off or killed the pilot (immediate aircraft destruction).

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Ok - if you be that precise and track earnings in the 2% range - you are right :-)

…regarding the mission score…

Kingslayer - killing the enemy on the top of their scoreboard.

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I went and searched for the thing as I could swear I’ve seen it exist on the old forums.

I found it!

I misremembered/misunderstood: Presently, you get no increased reward for killing planes at your BR or a full-uptier. However, you receive an increasing penalty in downtiers. This does create the illusion that killing tougher planes gives a better reward though.

(anti-embed to not break forums).


So, for killing a plane 1 full BR step under you, you receive ~50 less score and whatever RP gain it corresponds to.

Yeah, it’s not much and I misremembered/misunderstood the system (no reward for killing that full uptier alas).

… As an aside, it’s frustrating how much research and observation has been posted to the old forums that seem absent on the new ones and will likely be lost once you can no longer browse the old ones.

Edit: It was posted on the new forum but got buried/lost. Found it: Report on how scores, SL, and RP rewards are calculated

This one is also more up-to-date.


It’s worth noting that this system was added in one of the major updates, at the end of 2021:

Dependence on score awarded in the difference between the player’s Battle Rating and the target in case of critical damage, destruction and assistance in the destruction of the enemy has been added. The multiplier will be calculated by the quadratic dependence (1 - 0.014 * (difference of BR) ^ 2) and can not be more than 1.0 and less than 0.1. For example if you destroy a vehicle with a BR of 8.7 using a vehicle of BR 9.7 (3 BR steps difference) the multiplier will be (1 - 0.014 * 3 ^ 2) = 0.874.
War Thunder "Ground Breaking" - Changelog - Update Discussion - Archive - War Thunder - Official Forum

It’s interesting that not many players talked about this new system. A few months later the first score-based event appeared, then all events were changed to score-based.

So this system is not that old. Unfortunately, it only punishes players, and it’s especially annoying in Air Arcade, where you can use lineups with planes of any BR you want. I’m happy that I spaded so many planes before this system was added. Right now it would be much harder in Air Arcade.

You can lose up to 90% of your total profits because of the BR difference between you and your target. So it’s possible that killing a player will be worth significantly less than killing an AI ground target. Even if both of these actions are completely incomparable in terms of difficulty. It’s a terrible system and it’s very strange that players haven’t protested against such a massive nerf. Every player lost from this change, but only a few cared.

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