What plane idea's/creations would you guys like to see in wt?

(This is kinda a spoof post, but still a fun thought)
Basically to explain.
If you were to make your own plane and see it in wt, what would it be?

What would it look like? What would the armament be? What nation would it go under?
(what br for extra point’s)

To give 2 examples.

The first new plane would basically be a b-17 with 2 (2s38) cannons


Nothing to major besides the top and bottom turret changes. These cannons would also come with irst and the proxy fuze munition’s to defend itself.

(Br would be around 7.7)

Second plane would be an a10 variation called “abomination”


This variation would have 2 of the 30mm Cannon’s, A larger Body, Better engines, and variable sweep wing’s. It also has 11 Hard points. 3 on the body, 8 for the wings.


you made a space van

Ho-229 with vector thrust, afterburners and internal weapons bay, nose mounted guns.

I know it just plainly impossible, but would love to see

Su-47 Berkut

Like, I know whole “Never armed, a flying lab”, but I just want my black reverse wing beauty

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Idk why but the thought of something like the JA37 or JAS39 carrying Bofors 40mm gunpods with proxy ammunition (maybe even the Strf 90 APFSDS) makes me aroused. I just want a fighter with proxy, that shit would be busted and hilarious to use.