What is this boring new update! where is india?

where is India? People have been asking for India for years. I can’t believe Israel and China are even a nation it is 90% copy-paste. It is baffling why they haven’t added India yet. India should have been the first one to be added before Israel and china. India has way more unique vehicles and planes than both Israel and China combined. For example, the HF-24 Marut made in 1960 was the first ever supersonic jet fighter made by an Asian country and one of the first supersonic jets in the world. All china ever does is make cheap copies even with their military vehicles, and all Israel does is get glazed by the US.

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who wants to bet on how long it’ll be before stona closes this?


3 minutes.
Also yes we truly need Combat Tuk-tuk


who is stona?

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our favorite moderator


You will find India in the UK tree


I’m one step of sending a post that may result in flag.


Why would they close it I feel I am making a valid point. people have been making concept tech trees for India for years Iv seen one made 4 years ago for ground. People want to see India in the game and Gaijin has been putting Indian vehicles in the UK tree which is just disrespectful in my opinion. also, Gaijin being a Russian company I thought they would have more respect for India as they are one of Russia’s greatest ally


How many players in India play WT who are lobbying for their Indian tree?


There are more tech tree concepts out there, India isn’t the only one


Also, forgot to mention, I am not 100% sure, but I think India is the most downvoted suggestion regarding new country additions


Makes more sense to bring out Yugoslavia, Turkey and Czechoslovakia first than India, as it is obviously not so well known there.


India has the 4th best military in the world which is why I am asking for it to be added it is not like it is some small unknown country.

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Military size doesn’t matter at all in the game, and India has been added, as a slowly growing sub tech tree in the future


Pakistan could also claim the same thing you are talking about.


India has a stronger military than all of those countries you just mentioned

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Your joking, search up in Google or anywhere and you will see India in the top 5 minimum

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Don’t you understand, doesn’t means military size. We have Italy that far from India has weak military and mostly depends on external assistance (Germany), we also has some featured vehicle like the AH-64 from Greece that, currently is in a even worse situation.

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yes exactly, why are other small countries like Italy and Israel there but not India? it just doesn’t make sense

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It makes no sense to make a separate tree for a nation that would only start at rank 6/7, so the subtree in the UK is just right for India.

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