What is the matter with War Thunder lately?

I always used to think that no matter what faults we have with this game and what our preferences were it was always pretty stable in its general mechanics.

Lately I have suffered:

Being thrown from the game due to not having enough SP (presumably) to re-spawn despite getting two kills.Having no way to lower SP in a plane by choosing lower ammo options such as smaller bombs ,no bombs or standard ammo

Just having the game throw me out for no reason.

Ghost shells a plenty, firing and the shell just going through the enemy tank.

I can put it down to many things but I have also never had so many shells bounce to zero effect.It seems like 50% of shells simply register no penetration.

Is that meant to simulate something? Dud shells ? I mean by all means tell me what half the shells failing to do anything represents and I’ll accept it.As it stands I have no idea what a shell having zero impact actually means.


All I know is my ISP had issues, servers may have issues, and my routing has had issues in the last week.

There was a solar flare this week at the least, but who knows what all caused it.

It’s in the name, Solar…


The server quality of late feels like its tanked. I have decent internet but I keep getting 999 ping spikes which is especially bad for air modes because it just slam dunks you into the ground


🤣What caused the Solar flair I wonder ? Mmmmmmm the Moon maybe ? Uranus Alvis ?


If you look at those graphs…

Theres a chance of me moving over to asia in the next year so playing with my mates is gonna be hell if servers stay sucking

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I think Alvis has suffered a mass ejection 🤣

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I’d still wonder if you use wifi…

I could never really knock the servers in the UK but I have no idea what is going on of late.
The failure to re-spawn due to points is quite new.After 4 years and 14000 games I know what what keeps me in a game…well not any more.

My system is hard wired in the house, no wifi to X box ,All CAT 6 cable, I’m on fiber optic and 300m from the exchange.

The issue of my server absolutely going wild with the packet loss has lowered for a good amount, still get 1/16 games but its way shorter duration and go back to normal faster. Ig devs finally fix it
Alt tabbing issue, freezing when alt tab with windowed fullscreen is still happen. When I launch my game it kicked me out the game screen which require me to autoclick it to get in again.
What about the matches? Absolutely terrible, not quite, teamates still has 10 iq and prem ofc(US). Got a bit more winning game recently tho not much, id rate 6/10

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Is this all fairly recent?

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the alt tabbing issue is like 5-8 patches ago, still happen
the server seems like its fixed
teamates issue still happen, daily


Haven’t had any issues lately. Though I’ve not been playing as much lately due to school and life responsibilities, as well as grinding naval where server issues are less apparent due to the nature of the game mode

Glad I am not the only one who experienced this, the application just minimized out of the blue, like once a day. I suspect the culprit is the new anti cheat because iirc this problem came after the introduction of anti cheat.

yeah the freezing, alt tabbing issue, kicked out of the game does not happen with the previous easy ac
the new battle eyes annoying me so much

Yeah i’ve gotten like 3 ghost shells in the past ~half-week.

Meanwhile I’ve noted a few traded one-shots which I should’ve made more note to.

Oh and my shells completely disappearing even after I hear the audio queue and see the smoke effects. Mainly when my breech is shot or I die, it should be a trade, my round was in the air.