How could J35XS in BR 11.3?Is it OP than the F5C/MIG21 bis? I just know that the current flight performance may not even beat the F4C, Not to mention that it lacks RWR
If this BR is not changed again ,i think It needs to be at least having R60M
How could J35XS in BR 11.3?Is it OP than the F5C/MIG21 bis? I just know that the current flight performance may not even beat the F4C, Not to mention that it lacks RWR
If this BR is not changed again ,i think It needs to be at least having R60M
caught lacking
The problem is that it gets up tiered all the time.
down horrendous swedish player when they are faced with a challenge
as does every other 11.3 and 11.0
No, it isnt. The problem is that Gaijn ahistorically gutted its FM to be worse then the Viggen’s, and didnt even give it its SARHs to make up for it. This is the aircraft that quite literally invented the cobra, yet has a godawful FM for some reason.
What needs to happen is it needs to be given its old FM back, (Before they changed it due to player skill issues), and it needs to be given its RB 27s (AIM-26s with proxy fuzes) as well.
it’s a shame but that first change was made to make it more noob friendly to fly lol, so thank all the apes who brought the J-35xs and complained about the unforgiving FM
It would be nice to play it without the constant upteirs and with repectable all aspect missles
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