As the title says, what is something you’ve achieved that you’re proud of in WT? It can be a high kill game, a completed tech tree, a funny kill, anything :)
Enough For Everything, the Save up 5msl one. Did it with zero payment.
As boring as it is, I’ve got to say either my first nuke in the game (T26E5) or when I finally got the F-16C (after wasting 2 years btw) which was Monday this week
I think that for me it can be a game where i shot down 3 planes with the SAP round on chi-ha LG, or a moment where i shot down a bomber with the Breda 90/53 from around 2.5 km. Both of these were just becouse i was mad from being atacked by planes, and wanted revange.
Dont rlly know, maybe getting the Eurofighter, or getting the TKX. When it comes to kills then it is probably for air my AIM9L kill which was fired at Sparrow range… when it comes to ground kill it is probably sniping a Hs129 with the Type60SPG…
Having nearly everything in the game and my daily rising nuke counter, and the top 400-800 in leaderboard for grb Im at depending on how much freetime I got to play.
I hit a 1.2km pilot snipe in a tail chase with the GSh-23 once, may not sound like a lot but that thing sucks.
7 kill game in F-14A IRIAF (ARB)
First match with fakours lol
while I like this title, and it was pretty hard to get . . .
I think this achievement was a lot more work overall (and we REALLY need a “Collector” title to go with the achievement[hint hint, wink wink]) and after deciding early on that I wanted to be a “collector”(5 nations & 5 tiers and just planes back then . . . who knew?!?!) even tho the goal posts move(like every Update!) it’s still fun to gather in the new vehicles, I just don’t grind at it so hard . . not like I used to anyway
Oh, I forgot to mention that I have actually completed researching and buying all vehicles in the tech trees for every nation in the game(at the time) 5 or 6 times, I forget now.
And once even after tanks were added in(Just Germany & RU I think . . maybe US too, tank trees were very small when first introduced. But those days are long gone . … they just keep adding stuff!!! . . lol
only 50000 kills in realistic battles… quite much…
Agreed, im at nearly 2500 or so and I think after 2500 we should get something special honestly. Idk what yet but like, atleast the ability to get any removed vehicles like the removed sm.79’s and such. Because at that point you have dedicated so much time and money into wt. Why not let us have the few removed small things. Im sad i missed out on them.
At 2273 vehicles currently unlocked* also honestly quite proud of having the vast majority of them spaded too.
I haven’t really played much “Realistic” until recently, switched to RB to play naval.
Always flew in Arcade and stopped playing RB tanks back when the respawn point system came in . . so no, not a lot of time outside AB for me . . . sorry, just what I like to play . . .
EEK!! . . . you’re my hero then . . . I barely have 1100 of mine spaded and I have a LOT of premiums(which come already spaded, tyvm! . . lol)
Before they removed spade count on statcard its all I would do. Since then I have been spamming games in my fav vehicles and prem lineups to get sl for the last handful of sl crate vehicles im missing. (Tandem mai yak3t ersatz m10 phong kong t34 and the nc900) now that the spaded list will return im easing back into focusing on that again.
I think this inspires me enough to commit to the last handful of props i nedd to spade tonight. Looks like ill be cap rushing in spaa to cas for awhile.
“The Old Guard”, my account goes back to May 4th of 2013.
I have seen many things change over the years. I still remember people telling me “WarThunder will never have pure jet battles” “WarThunder will never have Supersonic Jets or afterburners”, “WarThunder will never have Fire & Forget Missiles”, and my favorite was “If WarThunder ever puts any of that in I will quit playing WarThunder”.
I have gotten quite a few laughs out of the toxic waste dump that is the WT forums, especially with all of the classified leaks over the years.
It’s not much of an achievement but its still one I suppose. I suck at this game, I should probably uninstall or KMS according to some people that play this game.
Sadly missed on having that tile, my 1st account was on ps in 2014 but its always a nice thing to see old guard on my team. Oddly enough theyre usually all low levels i see tho in battle who use the title recently.
I have played off and on over the years. I got really bored when top tier was just the F-86F-2 vs MiG-15 BiS, and I prefer DCS due its simulated depth of systems and aerodynamics. I also play a lot of other games, and being a father and pilot keeps me pretty busy.