What is on everyone's 2024 wish list for naval?

Oh yeah and now backpedalling. Suddenly it is not all russia it is high tier coastal.

Which is still wrong. The only ship really under BRed is pr.204 and it could see 4.3 so not even 1.0 BR change. The rest is fine, their problem is that they lack much competition on coastal spawns in different navies, which usually only get frigates in the last rank instead of gun/ptboats.

Maybe for Gaijin to take into consideration what people want added the most to the game or the nations
Possinly a chance for people to have a vote what gets added next

Obviously within reason and not stuff that would be rather difficult to implement

Sometimes it just feels like the stuff people actually wants, kinda gets skipped for whatever reason


I’d love to see persistent aiming: There should be the possibility to aim the weapons, and look around 3D view and binoc view without shifting the aimpoint.

How come a ship with hundreds of sailors and officers has just one way to look at the world, and guns are always slaved to this one view?!?


Not only the HMS Belfast, in the second battle of Guadalcanar, the USS Washington took accurate shots at Kirishima using radar.

Therefore, the use of radar should be implemented, especially in night and daytime battles with little or no visibility. The problem is that its implementation does not make sense until they change the target selection system automatically (X), since currently you can select any target just by having it in front of you regardless of the weather and time, by pressing the X, you begin to select between objectives…
Many ships that do not have radar would also be at a disadvantage.

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The other unpleasant problem that Naval de Aguas Azules has is depending on fast boats for captures (and yes there are seaplanes, but not all of them have them) what happens if in battle all my companions go out with battleships or cruisers, but the enemy leaves with fast boats and they capture, they force me to commit suicide to get a boat.

Suggestion, simply the captures of large ships are not in boat areas, there is no possibility of boats or the boat capture can only reduce a % of the points bar, if the capture is lost and recaptured, this % is reduced again. But I have had battles where boats capture 1 or 2 points, and I lose it or it forces me to commit suicide to go out with a boat and try to recover.

I know that it is entertaining to torpedo large ships that enter island areas, but that happens late in the battle, at the end or in some maps, if 2 quick captures are made, a battleship cannot reach the middle of the map, when it is already It is lost due to lack of points.

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Swedish naval naval trees.


I’ve got a list here for this albeit a tad late being mid year…

Lets start with this:

• Proper naval classifications for all ships,Exhibit A: Which of these isn’t a frigate?

▪︎ Ayanami class Destroyer
▪︎ K class Sloop
▪︎ Project 1331M Small Anti-Submarine Ship/Corvette
▪︎ River class Frigate

If you chose the River class Frigate you’re dead wrong (btw why are the Tacoma class Frigate considered a frigate yet the very ship it’s based off a gunboat?

But from that list three of them are considered frigates an most blatantly the destroyer is somehow a frigate??? (but ohh it only has 3" guns, Well what would you consider a cruiser with only 3" guns? Huh Huh Huh)…

On a fun note, How can a Peacock class Corvette be a subchaser? When it doesn’t have any ASW equipment???

• Ammunition costs,

▪︎ Either both tree branches are 1 sl per shell/ 30 sl per belt or all ships are from 45 sl per shell to 6700 sl per belt even the 12.7 mm AA belts.

▪︎ Even better maybe make ships that currently fire belts fire single shells as some ships strangely fire shell through belts even through not only do the xrays show a different feeding mechanisms but websites like navweaps mention how the systems a fed.

• Either remerge the trees or the ability to research either tree.

▪︎ I’m no stranger to hating the split but enough is enough with the poxy research of some of the worst ships in game that had they been in the other tree they’d take less than an hour to research.

Either the trees are remerged which will annoy a few people or like they did recently with GF & helicopters but for NF & be it vice versa.


• Now it’s unlikely but Coastal Defence Battleships for the coastal TT.

▪︎ Probably won’t happen but at least have the devs adding warships with a coastal prefix in their names to the coastal TT over sticking in bluewater ocean going warships (recent addition being the Buckley class DE, Hmm yes an escort ship that screened merchant ships like my grand grandfathers across the Atlanta ocean are totally Coastal warships).

▪︎ CDB, ain’t the only thing that could be added with the addition of monitors, Riverine Gunboats, Riverine paddlesteamers, Armstrong Flat Iron Gunboats (I long for the Castore class for Italy, a 500 ish tonne vessel with a 16" cannon).


• Reduce the MM to at least 0.7

▪︎ We’ve got severe compression in this mode & the +1- MM is to much, yet we could probably trail a smaller MM number that would be a bloody boon to several warships.


• Removal of rank based economics for certain ships that are down right useless for their ranks.

Exhibit A: Tacoma class Frigate, How the hell does it have such a high repair all while being such a dreadful ship to play, At least for one bloody month its cost was only 8k sl.

Still to much but better than what it was prior to that (54k sl) but now it’s (18.6k sl), At least in the old tree the terrible stuff had low repairs.


• Reductions in Coastal TT costs for research & a Increase in the economy (if point 3 isn’t changed), How does a weak arse WWII ship cost as much as a F-16, UH-60, 11.7 MBT ALL WHILE FACING SUPERIOR & CHEAPER WARSHIP (3.3-4.7 BR bracket with both branches).

But yeah nothing in the Cost’all TT should be over 100k rp currently.


•More squidron vessels.

▪︎ Currently there’s a cruiser, a destroyer & two SKR’s an we’ve yet to see another in like two years.

Hopefully with the launch of the french Cost’all TT in 2.39 they may get say a squidron frigate on launch.

There are more idea’s but I must be off.


Man I would love to see monitors for coastal tree and with coastal spawns.
Erebus, Flyagin, M15, few more

in terms of coastal battleships, idk, I think I would prefer them in regular tree - Thonburi, Odin, Monarch, and few dutch designs - they would serve as nice variation to destroyers and early cruisers.


just one thing the bismark


They sunk it hahaha sorry, it should arrive later, but with the maps that exist it would be a goal, like Iowa, Richeleiu or KGV, the first to arrive will have supremacy for many months


Missing ships from the Great War should be added before considering to move TTs forward.

Alot dreadnoughts and battlecruisers missing.

Stopp adding boats, like the last addition for Germany. Total waste, especially at higher BRs of 3.X. Could have been a battlecruiser…


And what difference would it make if they placed the keel in the shipyard or not? It was never a boat and was never tested.

If so, the kronstand should not be there.

Pointless self centered whines… some people want boats some people want battlecruisers. There needs to be a bit of both each update.


Wishing in vain, but still.

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Word on the street is Tennessee is in the pipeline - really hoping it’s the WW2 variant. Would be perfect to follow the Nevada.


Im quite certain it will be since it doesnt have much else to offer. US standard ships are already weakest top tier ships atm, would be nice to see colorado or lexington sooner than later.

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Colorado I look forward to, Lexington i think is even more glass cannon than Mutsu or Yamashiro, even after they got help from the UK Lexingtons were not even close to being on-par with Hood.

Though I suppose she is a similar level to HMS Repulse.

I recently got mutsu and I gotta say, it is much better than it was advertised. Probably its due to recent underwater pen nerf, but when angled it can tank plenty of shots, which is not the case for standards with their above water ammo racks.

Sure lexi would be weaker than hood but if the magazine is below waterline it could be pretty nice

Same placement as the standards.

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Oh that is unfortunate then