What is on everyone's 2024 wish list for naval?

Well Mutsu has a 12inch belt with little or no angling, Yamashiro is again up to a maximum of 12 inches and both are relatively easy to pop.

Lexington has a 7 inch belt which is at best angled at 11 degrees towards the top of the belt. She is closer in belt armour to Invincible than anything else.

And as @Magiaconatus has mentioned she retains the classic American ammunition placement, unfortunately they didn’t copy the British advice on that one as they wanted commonality with the upcoming South Dakato’s and were to use the same guns and I assume same loading mechanisms as them.


This shows a rough armour scheme but AFAIK the 12" belt was reduced drastically to 7 inches.

What seems matter most right now is not the sheer thickness of armor, only the placement of ammoracks and additional internal layers. Thats how Alaska became competetive after recent update and Mutsu similarly has increased survivability. When angled it can withstand enough to be a very decent top tier ship. Dont know about yamashiro since I see them usually absolutely non angled but hey it is premium after all lol.

Yeah nowadays placement of ammoracks and engine room are more important than sheer thickness of armor, and this phenomenon will be more severe with guns with more penetration comes. Some may say angling can solve, but it is not flawless solution as there are sometimes factor that limits angling, and sometimes severe angling shows your weaker bow bulkhead armor.


I know I already made a list with wishes but also this thing would be epic. And other seaplane tenders as well. They could be the testbed for aircraft carriers. We already have the catapult aircraft mechanic and these could launch more than one. And the aircraft could land next to them to rearm and repair or even be picked up again.

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destroyers at all br brackets

i find alot of the time i really need to use a destroyer to help sink battleships but don’t want to use them because they are inefficient to grind past about t 3

Yes please! I’d love to see seaplane tenders!

As an aside, for anyone curious the other ship in that artwork is Harukaze, a Kamikaze-class destroyer.

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i’m hoping for submarines


you should try Lorraine, that thing is a floating ammorack X) (not quite top tier, but almost anyway)

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Oh I know :) but as you said it isnt top tier. I guess I could hope for strasburg but seeing how french battleships are going it is more cope than hope lol

Make Coastal great again. Miss the cluster F**K and less destroyers.

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