What is on everyone's 2024 wish list for naval?

who said it had to have harpoons?
just give it anti-air vls launchers.

No point in doing that with dozens of SAM destroyers and cruisers that can be added in their full capability

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is anyone else having the problem of activity not registering on the squadron board for squad vehicles ? … a few in my squad have reported it no one has said it is not a problem for them

better coastal ships and missile cruisers

Definitely Submarines and ASW Warfare aircraft and ships.
Seaplane tenders and aircraft carriers.
More gamemodes.
Addition of dutch ships in the french coastal tree and Bluewater tree.
More cold war ships with SAM and Anti Ship Missiles.

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Not to be pretentious but the QEs for Britain please please

i even wrote a suggestion :)

Personally I think that without a full gamemode separation the current naval and Cold War naval will not work together. At all. Guided AShMs would have no counterplay by the big battleships (ironically this is perfectly demonstrating what made the BBs obsolete) and so the gamemode wouldn’t be as fun anymore for those playing the older ships.


Dutch tree if implemented would have a unique ship for every BR from 3.3 to 5.7. Definietely would be nice to see.

Im not so much hyped for subs and carriers. I feel like, in wt gun battle settings, they would be very much on the losing side. I would love to see more airplane tenders tho and mixed carriers.

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What are mixed carriers?

A proper translation would be hybrid carrier, apologies.

It is basically any gun focused ship that was partially repurposed into an aircraft carrier, like hyuga for example. I think there was a swedish and british cruisers that were refitted in such way and few other designs that could be implemented.

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We need a tick-box to let you research coastal by playing bluewater ships.

There’s a similar mechanic to research helis with ground vehicles. They’d just need to copy over the functionality.

Coastal grind is atrocious given the poor RP gain by playing coastal combined with the high RP cost of the ships. Letting us grind out the coastal trees by playing bluewater would be nice. Even early-tier coastal feels absolutely miserable, especially British where your main weapon is just rifle caliber MGs with awful turret traverse limits, meaning all you do is tickle your opponents, die, get like 73 RP from the entire match, etc.


Thanks for the clarification.

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I enjoy playing coastals, but I certainly agree that we need that checkbox. If ground vehicles can research helicopters, then big boats should unquestionably be able to research small boats.

I did 800k Coastal RP in 3 days to grind out 3 ships last week after update drop… you didn’t that too?

As for OP

I want Phalaaaanx! CWISSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Seriously, why does Russia get CWIS and no one else does!?!

I want to Brrrrrt planes out of the sky. I want to one shot you across the map and Brrt your revenge bombing plane out of the sky after. I truly dont care if its not fun or fair to you!!


Anywho, I’d also like GJN to continue what they started this past update: Reworking Naval maps. South Kvarken layout is much improved. I really like it - as historically for me, it was one of my most hated maps across all game modes. Volcanic island change is much more intensive from the get go.

Fuego and Aleutian are good improvements as well. I hope to see this in the following updates with other maps. Improving the naval gameplay bit by bit is all I really ask for.

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Because in Soviet/Russian designation AK-230 and AK-630 is not CIWS, as it does not have any independent search & track equipment and dependent on ship.

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That is so much cope and delusion holy shit


no u

top tier costal is in that situation, russian coastal low tier is kind of alright.
I also think that twin 76 fast firing shouldnt be at 3.7 or 4.0

Oh yeah and now backpedalling. Suddenly it is not all russia it is high tier coastal.

Which is still wrong. The only ship really under BRed is pr.204 and it could see 4.3 so not even 1.0 BR change. The rest is fine, their problem is that they lack much competition on coastal spawns in different navies, which usually only get frigates in the last rank instead of gun/ptboats.

Maybe for Gaijin to take into consideration what people want added the most to the game or the nations
Possinly a chance for people to have a vote what gets added next

Obviously within reason and not stuff that would be rather difficult to implement

Sometimes it just feels like the stuff people actually wants, kinda gets skipped for whatever reason


I’d love to see persistent aiming: There should be the possibility to aim the weapons, and look around 3D view and binoc view without shifting the aimpoint.

How come a ship with hundreds of sailors and officers has just one way to look at the world, and guns are always slaved to this one view?!?


Not only the HMS Belfast, in the second battle of Guadalcanar, the USS Washington took accurate shots at Kirishima using radar.

Therefore, the use of radar should be implemented, especially in night and daytime battles with little or no visibility. The problem is that its implementation does not make sense until they change the target selection system automatically (X), since currently you can select any target just by having it in front of you regardless of the weather and time, by pressing the X, you begin to select between objectives…
Many ships that do not have radar would also be at a disadvantage.

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