What is on everyone's 2024 wish list for naval?

Don’t - we are having all the fun you dont seem to be able to find, and it is paying for every other mode we play too.

But French Coastal and the promised seperate BR’s for aircraft in naval (thus allowing decompression of BR’s upwards from 7.0) should be good… unless they are Gaijin’ed!


dont play it then, seems like it doesn’t suit you. I am 60k RP away from unlocking 5th rank in 4th country and the gameplay feels very relaxing:)


I would like them to remove the circle jerk mode and general map improvements.

If we have to have open sea maps, which I’m fine with in principle, perhaps we could start from longer range and we can then manoeuvre for position advantage.


Wind! We need wind! The smoke could be made far better, these ships weren’t exactly the greenest. Imagine positioning so your funnel smoke is blocking the enemies view which was a thing as far as I recall.

Increasing distance only increases time of the battle, nothing more. There is a EC mode specifically with that in mind so we should not change the feel of regular mode.

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Well that mode has best map balance on naval XD. and even in future it will be

Why do you think we don’t have it right now

even more blocking our team’s view.

Well that mode has best map balance on naval XD. and even in future it will be

You’re technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. I just really dislike it.

Why do you think we don’t have it right now

We have “wind” in so much as the smoke moves a bit, but I was thinking of huge smoke clouds which persist for longer to add another layer of tactics and stuff.

even more blocking our team’s view.

Yeah, thats the huge downside.

I may be talking crap here (it’s been known to happen), but after looking at photos of ww1 battleships going along, I have to re-evaluate how smoky they were. Perhaps they poured oil onto the coal or something to make it really smoke when needed.

I dunno, I just feel like smoke should be more of a thing tactically rather than it just being a cloud that sits there then suddenly dissipates.

Also, properly rough weather would be great. I’d love to have this kind of vibe :

Bonus points if actual high seas caused issues, like some ships were notorious for being awful in high seas, and some were crap in even moderate seas. I’d love to have that kind of fidelity.

I need to find a fully in-depth naval game.

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Any Gato class submarine

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and in the main topic:

More cold war beauties, missile destroyers for every navy


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Incentives for more people to play coastal.

Shadow buff for the Royal Navy

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the whole smoke thing in WT naval is BS
yes it may very well be situation normal in the rushtard navy to have huge amounts of smoke coming out of the funnels ( kuznetsov ) but the allies had many stokers working full time controlling the amount of air to the boilers so there was a bare wisp of discernible smoke coming out even at full power ( everything thrown into the boiler than can be )
even before ww1 it was well known that he who sees the enemy first generally wins as they have time to get into the best position before the enemy can react

or in short
the excessive amount of smoke that is presently shown needs to go

black smoke screens were generated by shutting down the amount of air to the boilers and thus creating black sooty smoke from unburnt bunker oil

white smoke came in cans ( NATO des Y4 smoke generator ) or by using too much air in the boiler

and who did not pick that once they introduced weather it would be raining and dull on most days

That would require some form of fleet control, and that ain’t ever gonna’ happen!

Would also really like the 1947 Minotaur class for the UK would be an excellent gun cruiser for us to get and the only possible change of pace for which we have completed designs.

I mean just look at those 5, twin 6 inch mounts as on HMS Tiger (and even the AP performance doesn’t really suffer).

HMS Minotaur (1947) - British Airways - Passed for ...

The Churchill/Admiral class CA’s do exist with the prototype guns but I don’t think they are applicable yet without plans.

Whereas the Minotaur had a turret built and plans finished.

No link on the new forum so here is the old forum post:

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Delete it

enter the USS Tiacondra

this is the one ship i want for the british above all else and knowing it got passed to the devs 3 years ago, it makes me hopeful, even if it arrives 7 years from now

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When December comes around could the OP please edit the title by replacing ‘2024’ with ‘2025’? Y’know, so we don’t all end up writing the same stuff again.

the what? lol

but i will still writing “Delete it” for 2025’s

They were the Neptune class, and apparently never laid down in a shipyard, so are not eligible to be in WT as I understand it.