What IS a good map? Who has a list of detailed requirements?


Yes 6.7 isn’t high tier.

Yes there’s over 20 maps that cater to knife fights if that’s what you want.

I want those maps restricted at 10.0+

RO Alte Ziegelei

  1. Spawn points should have multiple pieces of non-destructible cover that allows new spawns to quickly take cover from incoming fire/air and a piece of cover behind the spawn for SPAA to use.
  2. No high ground near spawns or placing spawns in defilade without hard cover allowing spawns to chose multiple pathways to move out of threat of campers.
  3. Tanks should spawn facing the correct direction.
  4. The close heli spawn should be at least 2km further away from the ground AO than the longest range ATGM’s helicopters are using in the ranks the map is used in. There should be no line of sight to the ground AO from the landing zone.
  5. The far heli spawn should have working PC AA and be placed 45 degrees to the line of opposition in either direction at double the distance between the first heli-spawn and the ground AO. Should have a clear path to the ground AO without any weird terrain or ghost trees to worry about.
  6. Assuming a 3 capture point arrangement. At least one cap should be approachable in a CQC setting and at least one should facilitate long range sniping. It is possible for a cap to do both of these things by having an urban layout on one side and an open area on the other, so I know they can do this.
  7. Assuming a 3 capture point arrangement. There should be no less than 4 routes connecting the two opposing sides of the map. Routes which pass through the gaps between points either trade travel time or safety in exchange for flanking opportunity.

This is a F2P game, premium account is kind of a subscription in this case cause most players that own one keep renewing it every year. They would never turn it into a true subscription cause that would be the death of this game, unless you consider empty queues or playing against bots an alternative.
As an ex-PS(in this game but still a PS player since 1st gen console) player I’m used to pay for playing games, so I don’t mind paying to support this game so that F2P players can still play it.

But let’s not go off topic, cause this thread is about maps.

Base of good map design

  1. Concept
  2. Design
  3. Debug

I will let you figure what point(s) is left out on the above ^^

Concept - Well, what do you want it to look like?


This is the most important. In a PVP environment you want a fair balance in cover, restricted & unrestricted movement. Usually you would see this set at an of-set between the spawn points allowing for a fair movement to the combat areas / objective points.

In a place where you have multiple “balanced” spawn points you can not use the of-set system - the maps will have to be much larger and travel time due to the size of the map will be no fun for most players.
The of-set system is what you will see most of the time in ARB - players going left when taking off from the runway.

Spawn point - you have to take player “play” and also equipment use in mind - example

Let’s hide the spawn on a defilade - USSR tanks can not shoot down due to a lack of gun depression
Let’s put the spawn on a hill - Sniper tanks will have a field day
Let’s the spawn behind bushes - In WT case - bushes can be destroyed
let’s hide the spawn behind a structure (hard cover) - Movement to shoot VS “camp” to shoot the “camper” will almost always win. Peaker advantage is tough to balance out either way.
Combine the above mentioned in a well thought layout and you start having a nice experience to the player.

Taking from the above points on spawn you want a balance between enfilade, cover & concealment - all factors that Gaijin misses majority of the time in map design leading to players complaining about the maps.

Play - Over restriction of movement kills interest, especially in a environment where you have multiple play styles and equipment to match said play styles. Snipers should be able to climb / utilize their terrain and brawlers should be able to move from cover to cover towards the objective.


Test play it and see how it works. But before we can get to that point - run the design through your head and have a visual scan of the terrain, that way you will miss floating objects or other out of place objects or movement areas - like trees next to a volcano.

Lastly - I am no author and struggle to convey myself in text. Shout if anything is misunderstood or confusion about my wording.

Big maps with more zones, more spawns (this will also prevent spawn camping ), more players maybe ? So no full map shooting, CAS can be improved and be less annoying, with 5 spawns spawn camping will be less, more zones means no 20 players in the same square capping 1 point. I would add also some kind of zones separator, so you can’t snipe the entire map from 1 place.

I know it’s a different game, but wargame red dragon maps were cool

I like Urban ones such as Rhein and Sweden. Maps with trees like Seversk are annoying because it gives lower graphics an advantage. In the City, I can play comfortably without having to worry that someone on ULQ can see me through the entire Ardennes Forest lol (not the map, just a joke)

Barrel collision’s used to be a thing in beta, it was removed because absolutely everyone hated it as it added really nothing to gameplay other than being annoying

This is Gaijin’s fault for not knowing how most conquest style online games work, if there were points closer to spawn where you can respawn on then driving from spawn to the battlefield wouldn’t take 5 minutes. It’s the most frustrating aspect of this game.