What i think is stopping gaijn from adding the marketplace for console

i heard somewhere the moderation on console is stricter than on pc it may be because there are a lot more younger players on console and the marketplace is seen as gambling but somehow roblox has limited items and that can be seen as gambling and most players on roblox are children

Marketplace is not gambling

Everything you can buy there has defined price and you DO get something you THINK is value for money.

Only thing that is gambling on marketplace are boxes and keys but if that was only thing that is stopping marketplace integration on PSN …Gaijin could remove them in 10 seconds flat.

I think it’s the fact that if they did add it to consols then they would have to give those company’s part of Gaijins cut and they don’t want to do that

It isn’t Gaijin, it is the console manufacturers stopping it. Gaijin wants to do it cause they can make more money.

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They wont because theyll have to hand over too big of a chunk of the money to the console brands.