What happened to the APHE rework it feels exactly the same?

I remember talks about a APHE rework that was happening because it was overperforming and wasn’t modeled right but I’m not sure what happed as it feels exactly the same

The APHE change was the addition of a sizeable shell cap to the spall effect of APHE. APHE spall sectors have also been reworked along with this change.

The nerf to APHE spall angles was never carried out. Players, including me, voted against the testing of such mechanics, for multiple reasons. Primarily balance.


People downvoted it unfortunately so we’re stuck with “APDS”/“Solid shell”/“British moment” without any improvement while APHE had itself buffed (the tip of the shell survives and keeps moving forward, thus letting you knock out engine blocks or pen thru engine blocks from rear).


Meanwhile APHE MASSIVELY outperforms APDS and there is 0 semblence of balance


Yes, yes, of course.

why the hell would you vote against testing and then say you did it for balance


The fact a typical real life tank with a 75mm gun like Sherman or T-34 76 can put 16-20 r/m downrange but is capped to like 8 in WT

  1. The idea of nerfing APHE is so incorrect such that testing is not needed to confirm this
  2. A vote was given for testing. However, the following vote may have less influence on the further implementation than desired. (Edited)

in what way is nerfing APHE so incorrect they shouldn’t even test it when is overperforming compared to every other shell type

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in real life i believe solid shot has higher pen than aphe, aphe trade pen for explosive shrapnel

In the post on the opinion poll, they stated that there would of been a vote after the testing.

Multiple ways. APHE is in multiple ways a cornerstone of our modern War Thunder. It brings balance and fun to the game. The high one-shot potential of APHE rounds makes for dynamic gameplay. Without the performance level that is currently achieved with APHE, there would be no such round available to most mid-tier tanks, and games would become more frustrating and drawn out.

APHE also is a neutralizer in terms of armour. Against heavy tanks, there often exists only tiny weakspots, commonly including the turret cheeks, machine gun port, and cupola. The damage power of APHE is such that even heavily armoured tanks can be destroyed by skillful players. Especially in the case of cupolas, there is no alternative option which can destroy a heavy tank. All this also applies to any case where the penetrable area is limited, such as playing against even medium tanks in downtiers, or playing vehicles with poor penetration capability.
In the absence of spherical explosion APHE, heavy tanks would be much more powerful. They would be moved up to a rank where higher-tier tanks could easily penetrate their armour. Therefore, nerfing APHE would make heavy tanks both terrible to face in downtiers and terrible to play in uptiers.

Contrary to the belief of some players, nerfing APHE would lower the influence of skill on performance in matches. And in the end, many players simply want to nerf APHE out of spite of the perceived underperformance of other shell types. This is not a valid solution; instead, underperforming shell types should receive buffs as historically possible.


That is correct, I forgot about that line. However, we have known Gaijin to continue implementing, in the face of significant player disapproval, changes which they started working on already, such as the player profile, maps, etc. Therefore I find the chances of Gaijin implementing at least a part of their tested changes despite a player vote to be high.

Because people are so bad at the game that they need a crutch to even perform moderately well.

Learning to aim? Getting good? No, it’s Gaijin that’s wrong about this and they need to conform to my comfort level instead of implementing a change that would be a net positive for the game.


They never did it because people got pissed

I have an odd feeling that they are eventually going to turn into WOT with premium ammo, and removing random weakspots.

Quite literally 0 reason to use solid-shot AP over APHE


Yep, and the nations without APHE at all haven’t got much choice in the matter

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“Tanks that can only be defeated by shooting cupola would be OP”

Whole nation TTS who cannot do lolwhat shots:

(also nations where a sideon shot only takes out the gunner and commander and by the time you reload they replaced the crewmember.)


Indeed. It’s come down to only two options:

No longer play that nation (and go play one with the OP shell)
Beg for lend-lease or other ways for the nation to get APHE, C&P doesn’t matter if it is the only way for the nation to be playable.