What happened to low level vehicle events?

I remember a while ago there were events where you could earn vehicles of rank I, II and III, or events where the main prize was a top tier vehicle, but when completing only a few of the tasks you got a rank I vehicle.

Why is this not done anymore? (I am excluding the Petart from the Aniversary event, since that is a special event).
The last time i remember an event had a low tier vehicle was the Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) KwK, and i love it far more than my top tier event vehicles like the Boxer MGS, SMS Baden and Vilkas.

I would love to get more rank I to III (maybe even IV ww2) vehicles in events and the focus on modern top tier stuff makes me very sad :(


We had the Churchill AVRE somewhat recently. And before that we had Eremin’s Yak-3.

There are also leaks that suggest the next event will be the Soviet SU-14


The AVRE was Aniversairy event, therefore i would not count it.
But if the leaks for the SU-14 are correct i would really love it, return to roots of the game :)

Probably no incentive for low BR event machines with the current one per month event cycle, I’d argue many would complain a lot if we got a Rank I machine for a month.

IMO we should just get the old format in it being ten stars with a centre reward & have it be the still current monthly as then we could’ve a low reward with a high reward.

I’ve got so many ideas for low rank rewards from odd SPAAG’s or armoured cars, interwar aircraft from france & britain or ships with massive cannons on small hulls or early missile ships (1920’s to 1950’s HMS Stronghold or Project 183R).


I actually like the idea of reintroducing the multiple reward method and build it into the current method. We can even have boxes like we had in the recent bp giving you a random old event vehicle as a reward if making 2 vehicles is too much of a hassle for gaijoobs.


I like high BR vehicles, they sell for more and i can buy something actual usefull.

If that one is ture, wo could ask the question of…
60 cm Karl gerät when ?
especially with the upcoming mobile ammo points we will be able to build.
The reload would be an interesting issue though.
I hope they can pull a Gates of Hell move here

The thing has a reload of 3 or 4 Minutes here I think

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To answer the main Q, likely just didnt make money/decided cost cutting I would wager.

I made a suggestion for a parallel series of events to run in tandem with the main events of just low tier vehicles which are relatively easy to unlock, needing like 10-20k score every couple of days for like, 4 or 5 stars.

Also that the event should have a system link where if you dont like the current event vehicle, you could trade the coupon for a previous 1, thus stopping the vehicles from being trapped behind a paywall.

It didnt get through and I couldnt see why etc, just gave up with it.

So basically say event 4 would be the A9 cruiser tank. 10k every 2 days score needed for 4 days.

Event 7 comes along and it is some random german puma version 123455433424, you are a tea-drunk madlad and dont want the german tank, but missed out on the British vehicle in event 4 (new player? On holiday? Broken PC? Prison for failing to pay the slime tax?). You can grind the current event vehicle and then trade that coupon for the A9 cruiser tank.

IMO would be massively popular and could help nudge people into playing new TTs if they had a couple free low tier premiums to get them going. Would also be a good way to introduce new players to the main events and help them cross over into it.

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