What does the American woman says at the end of the match?

What does the American woman says at the end of the match? All I hear every time is “ok guyyys, what’s the phafiaaat”.

That last part is indecipherable for me…

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I thought it was like “drinks on me.” Or something about drinking.

The voices for Americans in this game are criminally garbage. Because Gaijin.


i always thought of it as “put the coffee on”…


British says at the end “put the kettle on”


There might be more end game voicovers. “Drinks on me” is said by a man, imo.

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This reminds of topics when people asked what were Swedish crews (mind you, with old crew sounds) saying after destroying targets
Most heard “Mista Moon”
But in reality they were saying “Nästa mål!” which means “Next target!”

We don’t use kettles enough for that to be something we’d say. It would be coffee, and once someone said it above I remembered it immediately.

Put the coffee on yeah that’s what it is.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the voicelines are made by AI

Wait what? That’s what we actually say lol.
I always used the right calls on the radio. Fife, niner, foe-er, tree

No Raven, I am part of “We” (military, Veteran not active) and I am not talking about phonetic speech. What they are doing ingame is not that. They are talking in exaggerated accents. It’s not what you are saying it is. I wish it was.

But it isn’t.

Listen I KNOW EXACTLY what you are saying, ok? But it’s not that. It’s NOT that. It would be better if it WERE.

None of the other things are said that way. They just have bizarre and dumb accents. Like even the female tank commander when she says “To battle” sounds like “to BAH-tul.” Almost like she’s saying “to bottle.”

It’s just bad AI voice acting and lack of refinement.


Idk, I don’t know what the Swedish female voice says either.

A lot of the Swedish voice sounds like unintelligible gobbledygook lol.

When the commander is saying hit he says träff twice, people think it’s “braap braap”

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IIRC the Swedish woman says “vi tar kaffe och bullar på det här då”, something that can be roughly translated into "let’s get some coffee and buns ".

Ahh, checks out I guess.

He will be missed

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What do they say now in ground vehicles? I hear “RIP, RIP!”, which I love, ngl… :D
I suppose that’s not correct, is it?

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@jaded_sakura77 cleared that one up hopefully

When the commander is saying hit he says träff twice, people think it’s “braap braap”

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I don’t know because I tune her out, personally. Between the trash Voiceover work and how it breaks immersion I tune it out, though personally I wish I could just mute it entirely.

I think it’s “Ok guyys put the coffee on”

Something else she says is “we win! . . . bigot” at some point aswell.

one of the french commander’s lines at the start of the match is “I will beat you!”