What do you folks think of this reward?

I think this reward is really bad.
I have premium and a talisman on this vehicle:



It was very good, but you sabotaged yourself by using a vehicle of 2 ranks lower than what you’re researching and the reward was cut in half

Yeah, like. Why does playing a vehicle you enjoy punish you for grinding the game?

So that you have to actually progress through the tech tree and can’t just seal club rank 1s for you entire grind.


Just 2 ranks below it shouldnt be a 50% cut.

2 ranks below is less than 50% the RP cost, higher ranks give more RP so that’s alot less than a 50% cut.

Also no1’s forcing you to research a plane 2 ranks below.

It does when you have all vehicles in the next rank, and those vehicles are at 9.3+ with no flares, only aim-9b’s, no countermeasures and just 2x100kg bombs.


And because of the constant uptiers. Its more like a br issue, but these will never get fixed, especially not for minor nations.

RP penalties are based on rank, not BR

If you’re in the vehicle you enjoy the most, the rewards don’t matter - if you’re trying to grind you need to grind within the rules of the grind, which means you have to stay near the rank you’re researching for the most “rewards”.

29,254 RP for 12 minutes?
7 air targets destroyed… yeah that’s substantial rewards.

Talismans are pointless for SL so you just discount the SL.

i’m talking about the RP, but yeah… the SL could be better I.M.H.O.