Currently, in War Thunder, players face a steep reduction in research points (RP) when using vehicles that are two ranks lower than the vehicle they are researching. This can make grinding frustrating, especially for players who prefer using their favorite lower-rank vehicles. Should this penalty be removed or reduced to make grinding more flexible and enjoyable?
Research effeciency drives me nuts. Lower tier vehicles already have smaller reward multipliers and thus is reason enough to use higher tier vehicles to research a higher tier vehicle, but if im happy with that reduction then I shouldnt be punished for it either.
Looking at more from perspective of grinding a new rank 8 aircraft using a rank 6 aircraft (or even a rank 9 aircraft when they come with a rank 7, etc) which is something id almost prefer to do in a lot of case as some of those rank 6 aircraft are way more fun to play in Sim these days. I do see the issue with “seal clubbing” but maybe make it so that Rank 1 and 2 vehicles still have reduced effeciency, much in the same way it works with events
Likewise, there is no reason at all, why I shouldnt be able to research a new lower tier vehicle with vehicles that I’ve already grinded above it.
The current system incentivises only buying the top tier premiums and disincentivises buying any lower tier premiums.
If the RP bonus was based on your highest tier premium that your other premiums inherited, there would be motivation to buy and use lower tier premiums and reduce the black holes of top tier premiums.
I think they should keep RP reductions but change the penalties. For each rank difference is a 10% increase in reduction, except for the rank immediately after the vehicle being used. For example, rank 3 Researching rank 7 should be at 40% reduction. Or rank 5 Researching rank 2 should be a 30% reduction.
I think you should be allowed to grind the entire tree with premium of all BR, of course the reward multiplier stays to the BR the vehicle is in, ergo 6.0 F2G should not be able to grind F-14 tomcat at the same rate as F-4S, but it could be similar to say, F-8U2. viable premiums should not be limited to top tier, if anything premium should only matters as SL printing machine and not vehicle grinder.