What did yall think of the Object 140?

As a loyal USSR main bro, I’m contemplating on getting this thing, because the APHE seems as potent as the one on the T-10M in terms of penetration, just minus the explosive fillers and the reload time is nearly half (15.0 seconds vs 8.5 seconds aced)


Wasn’t needed but seems good

Go for it if you want to spend your money on a T-55A sidegrade.


  1. Apfsds has slightly better penetration
  2. Reload speed


  1. Range finder
  2. Better APHE
  3. 14.5mm hmg

The T-55 will perform slightly better at flanking for sure due to better reload rate, the 140 will have better shot accuracy due to having range finder. It looks like the 435 long lost brother.

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They’ll perform pretty similarly, but I’ll always value darts more over APHE for tanks like these. Former can penetrate much more stuff than the latter, and considering tanks around this BR are cramped anyways that HE filler is losing some of it’s value.

Shame it doesn’t have the same engine sound. I always fear the pancake is coming when I hear that whining noise.


Unless something changed from dev to live (can’t check right now) Object 140 APDS has much better penetration compared to T-55’s dart. Of course darts are still more reliable overall.

Apds has worse angled pen and spalling is mostly a big issue too

Also since it’s 100mm, I don’t know why it doesn’t use the same reload rate as the T-55s lol T-62 always have problems with reload time, the other one that even longer reload time is the Object 122MT because of what? Shell being 5mm bigger than 115mm? Doesn’t seem to always follow the rules of being cramped.

Mass of the shell and size of turret

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Actually the 140’s APDS angled pen beats the T-55A’s dart (mostly because it’s a terrible dart). We both agree a dart is still more reliable though, with no shattering and better spalling.

Looking at the overall package, speed is also a little better, same with turret rotation. And to me it looks much better. But most of all the great APHE round will be a lot of fun. So to me it’s more than a T-55A’s sidegrade.

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Turret armor protection also seems a little better, near the mantlet it’s closing 300mm thanks to the turret shape and the T-62 could barely hit 260mm based on the protection analysis, hull area also a tiny bit better as well, lfp has a rather large area that will actually bounce strong AP ammunition, which would likely affect something the likes of Maus, M103, AMX-50 heavies and T54E1.

Only strange thing is that it has a longer reload time than the T-62 lol


T-10M weight loss program was a complete success! I really want this tank. It looks awesome.

High pen APHE, rangefinder, better armor, 14.5mm MGs, only 8.3??!!?
Invest in USSR.

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The T-10M is a little mediocre though, most things it faces can pen it everywhere, and the entire hull is a weak spot and penning the turret will result in big explosion as there is ammo in the back of the turret lol. Reload time is what often got me killed. Cool looking tank with the third best APHE in the game just slightly below the IS-7s. If you inspect the armor profile properly, only .3 up there the T-55AMD/T-55AM-1 has better frontal armor than it, plus all the cool gadgets like APS and composite turret plates basically make them more superior, not to mention they can shoot every 7.5 seconds with more ammunition choices.

Speaking about the reload of the Object 140, which is only .1 seconds faster than the Object 279 which is 8.6 seconds aced.


Oh 8.7 Soviets is one of my favorite lineups for sure, but 8.3 is also nice since you can get even lower BR matches (obviously). I don’t mind the slower loading, its way slower than the 7 ish second reload of others anyways. .5 more just makes me play more careful!

I would disagree on T-10M however, I love that beast, I just play it like a slow loading medium and it works great against everything (unless it gets shot with HEAT, but its not too bad.)

I’ve seen good players have 5.0 KDR in it, I don’t know how he even managed it, it has -3 gun depression and it’s hard to find somewhere I can snipe people across the map and not get taxed with its reload speed, because if I go in point blank distance I often find enemy pushed me after I fired a shot, or I get my barrel destroyed and I don’t get the opportunity to repair it, it’s a tricky vehicle to do well for my playstyle, it also doesn’t have a range finder so I constantly being forced to do things I am uncomfortable with lol

I like the T-10M but it’s certainly not meta. 140 is better for sure. But now I really want an IS-7 too to bolster this line-up…

What’s wrong with 8.3 ?
APHE gets more niche the more you push it up in BR, especially with that long reload.

This is true, speaking of APHE I’m so tired of people saying the object 279 is a point and click adventure and doesn’t need to aim, the more I hear them says this the more I can confirmed they don’t even play it, in that br it has one of the lowest angle pen ammunition at 120mm and after playing all the other 9.0s I can confirmed it requires the most “aiming” effort than anything else in that respective br, in that br we are going to compare it with the other 9.0s which is T-62M1 which has the 3BM28 at 220mm angle pen range, then we have the M735 that M60 uses at 215mm, and Chieftain MK10 is at 190mm and TAMs they all having a much easier time penetrating the enemies compare to the object 279, plus the velocity of apfsds and lrf they are 100% having an easier time/taking much less effort hitting any targets in most situations lol only thing the APHE has is post pen, side shots mostly guaranteed OHKO which is the only advantage it has over its counterpart, also the optical zoom is the shittiest of them all, even T-55s and T-62s can see better with their zoom level, so I don’t know where this point and click BS comes from lol

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279 has the best APHE in the game and it’s still not enough to point and click stuff at around it’s BR like Chieftains, M60s, Merkavas, ZTZs, T-72s, …
Meanwhile Object 140’s APHE has worse angle performance which will only make things even worse.

Plenty of that has stemmed from malicious posters just fearmongering others into believing 279 was much more of an issue than it really is.


The M103 and AMX-50’s AP had better penetration, even better than the one the T-10M uses, just without the explosive fillers.

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