What did yall think of the Object 140?

Nothing wrong per se, im very happy it has APHE and APDS/HEAT as a backup.

Also uncapped, which leads to amazingly bad angled pen. Someday maybe WT will not make uncapped ammo useless.

279 is still an absolute monster, the way APHE normalizes against slopes, and the large diameter of the shell overmatches armor quite easy. Its gun is its greatest asset and I don’t think I would trade its APHE for a dart. I can’t think of anything (except for maybe a hull-down merkava) that can’t be deleted with it. Maybe the jet-black camo just gives me bonus pen, who knows :^)

Taking APHE as a main round seems ludicrous, but to each their own.

Commonly found rounds at 9.0 such as 105mm DM23 should be far more consistent than any APHE.


I found that its survivability actually comes from the engine power, which allows it to accelerate faster in reverse to escape trouble after firing a shot, given the same situation all my medium tanks will often buy the enemies enough time to shoot me through the front wheel.

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I suppose doing more than simply aiming center mass is beyond the grasp of some players, but ill be enjoying APHE in the meantime.

In think it’s bad, 8.3 no apfsds…plays like the type 69 IIa, anemic heat-fs or nuke apcbc that lacks penetration

Apds always out does aphe, apbc and even some early apfsds rounds.

I havent used aphe in about a year or 16 months if i could

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I’ve pulled the trigger lol its a pretty good premium, if you are a fan of APHE, I’d say you should get it and you going to enjoy it bro. I think the numbers are pretty decent and I only use APHE and nothing else.

The apds will go further in an uptier.
Aphe is quite long in the tooth at its BR and especially at 9.3.

The apds however is pretty potent from what ive seen.

I have a pretty horrible experience with soviet apds, I’ve used the 3BM25 and it’s probably the worst APFSDS in the game and imagine an even worse version which is the apds, you pen things easier than the APHE but the post-pen damage is whack and you really have to shoot them more than once, my T-55A is under 2kdr because of it lol

Only issues is facing M60 variants like the Magachs and enemy T-series, they have enough armor to deny your APHE frontally and facing T-62 you only have the turret cheek to pen which is credit card size, I just have to avoid trading fire with M60 but I will try to shoot their capula, the M60A2 I don’t even know how to kill it frontally with APHE, the capula mostly only nuke the commander.

Chieftains are also an issue with the APHE, Amx30s can be too due to teh bounce angle, personally ive had nothing but issues with APHE for years now man.
If it works it works, but youve also a lot of time and experience in the game.

For most people id recommend APDS for an easier time, that also helps you grow into aiming for ammo, breaches, crew etc and not relying on a stupidly modelled round.

They really dropped the ball when they didnt change it.

I put a talisman on the starship, things fun as hell!