What are your thoughts on the IRIAF F-14A?


We’re getting the new Persian Tomcat event and seems to be so far since the Object 292 the best if not, one of the best Air Vehicles ever added and maybe, on my opinion, the second best vehicle in this new event cycle,

I’m really excited, seems to be that this event comes to fix those we got since the Call of the Dragon, the Community Managers and Developers not disappointed with this one and I’m really excited to start grinding and getting such cool vehicle, even more with such cool camouflage.

But some controversial and topic of discussion about this vehicle: Is it accurate to be added as US tech tree vehicle or USSR tech tree vehicle?

To add: It’s kind mixed, during a time, I think Iran had some good relations with USSR which could be a point of the vehicle begin added as USSR tech tree event, but at the same time it’s a US vehicle which is a strong enough argument to add it to US tech tree.

Multiple topics already exist, and if you want to discuss this aircraft and its implementation than please do so on the official announcement post.

Edit: since you mentioned it;
No the USSR doesn’t need this aircraft, it should go to either the USA or an Iranian TT. The USSR had nothing to do with the aircraft or its upgrades.


USSR already have Mig-29, Yak-141, and so forth. It doesn’t need an F-14A from a country that was never part of the Soviet Union.


Good point, maybe, it’s just too much to add a F-14A into USSR tech tree. I hope we at least get Iranian voice lines.

That would likely need to be added with Iranian ground forces if I’m not mistaken, and since we only just got our first Aircraft from Iran, it might take awhile before we get that. Mainly a problem since pilots don’t have voice lines if I’m not mistaken.
(If you’re not already familiar with The potential of the Iranian ground forces as a TT, here’s a wonderful suggestion that is highly interesting and unique as a potential addition to war thunder:

As well as an the Air tree’s potential:

And helis:




Same energy as UK begging for Canadian Leopards: I get it, but no.

The Shahed seems interesting.

Honestly, I don’t really care where it goes, I do hope to see the Iranian MiG-29 and Su-24 with Fakour-90 added to the USSR in the future though.


Russians probably provided “technical assistance” in keeping them flying and in retrofitting Soviet derived and locally produced systems to it.
But… yeah. No.

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Im a bit upset about it, i mean now we have a 3rd F14 being added to the game with concievably better armarment, AND being an event vehicle. this thing cant be lower BR than 12.7 which means its effectively going to have loads and i mean so many people pay and be in F14s in top tier.

Which will absolutely tank win rates across the board due to the same nations being on two teams.

thats what i think

Key word, probably, but hey if evidence emerges that they did in fact have something to do with, I’ll gladly change my tune.

Right, but it also means lots of free kills regardless of what aircraft you take in that BR.


Look at it this way, when the Su-57 gets added to the RU techtree you’ll be able to live out your “TopGun: Maverick” fantasy.

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im in a F14A now and its free kills any ways, but that doesnt mean this wont saturate stuff even more man.

I would rather see stuff get fixed than keep cramming in event vehicles, premiums and battle pass stuff.

ARB anything above 10.3 is honestly lucky to last even longer than 8 minutes now adays, even there i just done a 6 kill 1 assist game with the F14A (4 gun kills) that lasted a total of 5:43, that is insanely fast.

Now we will have yet another top tier/ high BR jet to saturate lobbies even further .

And its not gonna be as free as you think, they have an upgraded version of the pheonix that theoritcally performs better, so these people can fly up drop 6 of em, then drop to base again and repeat.

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i dont have a top gun fantasy xD if anything the opposite. I only recently got the F14A and used it to get the 15A.

I wanna see less saturation, i want to see more variation within the lobbies and not the same vehicles spammed to death

I hate to say it but, “realism”:


The Fakour-90 is longer ranged, thats it. It still has a 26 second smoke plume, poor maneuverability and seeker. Until the AIM-54 gets the 24Gs it should have through always maneuvering in dual plane, I fail to see why they would make the Fakour any more maneuverable when it is using the same control surfaces while being significantly heavier.

And all of the brand new players to top tier flying the F-14A are just going to be free kills with no idea how to effectively employ them.

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wdym realism? i dont understand what you mean
i know the F14 was used a lot and by iran and the US that doesnt mean entire lobbies should consist of them xD

A couple of times it might have happened IRL.

That is true.

I think im just a bit burned out with this stupid gameplay loop people have with the F14 as if it can only hurl missiles.

I miss seeing lots of different jets up now its just all the same things fighting one another.
This F14 id have loved to be TT foldered with one of the current F14s if that makes sense. rather than event