What are your guy's thought's on more detailed/interactive bases?

(This’ll be mainly air rb but we can discuss how it would be in other game modes)

So basically, For the bases made for the bomber’s, Would you guy’s like more detail in them?
(Both model/texture and gameplay wise)

Gameplay wise, these new bases would be sectioned like the simulator airfield’s. (Having different area’s that can be damaged)
There would be an ammo depot, A vehicle bay, and a central “command” building.

These bases would also contribute to the battle using these different building’s.

The ammo depot would send out supply truck’s to the front, Resupplying/rebuilding howitzer’s, pillboxes, and any nearby a.i. convoy’s/train’s.
If these supply truck’s reach their target’s, that team’s ticket’s would go up a certain amount.
(Let’s say 1:1 for the howitzer’s)

The vehicle bay would send out convoy’s to go attack different place’s/vehicles.
These would consist of the normal convoy’s we have in game and be sent out every 8 minute’s.
(These would be a more aggressive a.i. bleed if they reach their target and destroy it BUT Let’s assume we also have 1.5X the amount of ticket’s we have)

And for the Command Center, It can better coordinate with the convoy’s/Supply trucks and have them take the fastest path to their objective. If it’s destroyed, the convoy’s/supply trucks will take longer to get to their objective’s
(I’m kinda guessing so lets also discuss what it should do)

This is mainly the idea. This give’s some more interaction for the attacker’s and possibly bomber’s.
(Maybe a secondary underground bunker for high alt bomber’s to damage. Basically giving bomber’s a chance to destroy/get some score from a base.)


Its an interseting idea. I’ve previously had the idea that bases could also have “weakspots” designed to be hit with a GBU. The idea being that an aircraft with a limited number of GBUs could take out a base just as effectively as dumping a load of bombs onto it. The idea of adding modular bases would work well with that. Having modules with a weakspot that you can hit to cause “X” amount of damage to it.

This idea of modular bases could also add different sized bases. Including much larger “bases” that take a LOT to kill. Perfect to allow much of the team to get some points.


Agreed. Can be sth. similar to an IL2 bombing target. Real factory buildings, supply crates, trains, fuel, trucks in the mission area to be bombed accurately or strafed.


It would be nice to see more of it. However, as of right now, a lot would need to be restructured. As well as more low poly models. That reacts to you to some extent.

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This is a really cool idea, and if the weakspots are made to need armor-piercing bombs it could apply to low tier as well.

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