Please don’t increase the grind by adding rank 9, and rank has nothing to do with balance.
We will probably get all those planes this year too.
Please don’t increase the grind by adding rank 9, and rank has nothing to do with balance.
We will probably get all those planes this year too.
I want an update with no new vehicles and solely dedicated to new game modes such as bringing back EC for ARB and possibly making some form of it for GRB. Also different game modes that are not capture the point. I think there is enough vehicles in the game now and if Gaijin needs the money they can release some prem versions of tech tree vehicles with special skins.
I’d agree if their focus wasn’t on pushing new modern or unique vehicles which also come with brand new mechanics which the technical staff need to work on, sadly that’s what they are doing due to the amount of money that can be made from selling premiums to grind these new vehicles.
air rb ec with new bombers & missions would be my favourite i think.
F-14 Update
New Armament:
8-10x Aim-120A/B
6x Aim-54C+ ECCM
4x Aim-9M-8
6x Aim-7P Block II
New Avionics:
F-15E Radar Modes, AWG-9 Range, Faster Scan, New Exclusive Radar Mode, 98% resistance to chaff/notch/ECM
New Radar Mode for AN/APG-71:
TWS DL ET (Track-While-Scan Datalink Extended Track) | Allows radar to reach ranges up to 740km when paired with another AN/APG-71.
110mi Range
F-14 Changes
Aim-54 (All) - Drag reduced marginally, 25G overload
Added Mk.47 and Mk.60 Aim-54 Boosters to Modifications.
Mk.47: 30 Second Burn Time, Less Thrust, Slightly Less Heavy
Mk.60 27 Second Burn Time, More Thrust, Slightly More Heavy (Bonus: Smokeless)
Aim-54C and C+ ECCM receive their new seekers, allowing them to track rear aspect, use Anti-Chaff capabilities, and use the best possible loft profile.
Flightmodel: Getting hit in the wings now doesn’t mean you instantly depart flight, drag with the wings back at extreme speeds reduced, and the wing hitbox now follows where the wing actually is. Landing flaps now do around 20% more than combat flaps do for maneuverability.
Engines: F-14B/D get 30,200 Pounds of thrust and a TWR of 1.39.
A: Aim-9L, F-14B RWR, 13.0
IRIAF: R-73, 6X Fakour-90, SPO-150 RWR.
All F-14s and 2 Seater jets without HMD get this too: Mouse designated radar lock for 2 seater jets
Out of the 5 major updates one should have no vehicles, no maps, no new content.
Just a big fix for the way too many unresolved bug reports, so that we may better enjoy what we already have.
Another USA 1st gen fighter aircraft post WW2 ~ mid 50’s
- FH-1 Phantom
- FJ-1 Fury
- F2H Banshee another variants except F2H-2
(F2H-1, F2H-2N, F2H-3 & F2H-4) from USAF &
RCN in USA and british tech tree
- F-89A & F-89C Scorpion for researchable tree
- F9F Panther another variants (F9F-3 & F9F-4)
- F9F-6 Cougar (Early) (J42 P-6 engine from
F9F-5 Panther)
- F9F-6 Cougar (Late) (J42 P-8 engine)
- F9F-7 Cougar
- F6U-1 Pirate
- F3D-2 & F3D-2M Skyknight
That looks like a marketing lie and doesnt exist :P
Stop with vehicles, get things done about gamemodes, BRs, event modes, mechanics etc. After that maybe focus back to ww1 or cold war, to still missing ww2 stuffs e.g. Barracuda Defiant and transports
That’s a fair and good point. Of course, adding vehicles that require a lot of additional engineering time, because of how novel they are compared to existing vehicles, will inevitably draw away resources from other things. :)
And also, in the short term, there’s of course going to be resources going towards fully equipping all vehicles with a more complete and detailed set of internal components, which will also draw resources from the combined pool. This falls into the polishing what’s already there type of category, thankfully, even if it’s just one part of it all.
An update were all nations get the same amount of vehicles. This will solve so many issues if you give it some time. Also giving these nations unique vehicles, which we havent gotten in a long time for most nations.
It fixes gaps, lineups and balance issues. It will also incentivice people on playing new nations.
Like, look at France, China, Italy and Japan. They are still lacking so many uniqe WWII, Korean war and cold-war vehicles. Especially WWII.
This will encourage people to grind these nations because of the interesting things they have.
New generation targeting pod for USA, France, Italy, Japan, Israel and Sweden aircraft rank VII ~ VIII
Fixing all top tier MBTs armor. That’s all I want.
im very upset with the harrier in game. these jets were far more effective than what we see in game.
Helis in air sim. Perma naval EC instead of an event. All ground sim BRs available at all times. Submarines. Modern warships. More complex modes like strike missions through valleys with sam emplacements above(top gun! lol), or ww2 bombing missions where one team is bombers(with maybe a few fighters) and the other is fighters/interceptors. Combined arms EC mode with ALL vehicle types available, multiple ground POIs for tanks to fight at, lots of ai to shoot and strike, etc, effectively creating an entire combined arms warzone. Can I get a “plz papi?” plz papi.
thats already in game foldered with the a4b
that’s already in the TT as well (very good aircraft TBH after all it was my first TT jet aircraft)
New game mode, specially EC type more big map with tactical targets like destroying the big front line with ir sam protected, more bases for strike aircraft and Ai aircraft that hunt them, intercepting Ai bomber, fighters. A air liner that players do lil fun with .and add troop or vehicle transport mechanics for heli like huey or planes that ability to carry large load.
Fixing the air furbal(pushing players towards objective or adding new voice lines to radio chat and second seat guy actually scream at you when he sees smoke or flashy thing) Fix the naval and introduce ship launched missile with new br and rework on tech tree and economy and add these type of plane for fun
They should add this as a TT aircraft that has no modifications, and you can unlock it like the os2u-1, they could make it BR 1.0 plane, just for the fun of it, after all they already have a functional model in game
-Rework of ARB
-Reuse of the exp made on an already reaserched tt
-decompression in both air and ground
-more spaa’s for everybody
-integration of new mechanics(ecm…)
-new weapons (AGM-114L, HARM…)
-rework of heli gameplay (new gamemode or smth)
-reducing grind in air, ground and helis