What are the best premiums for each rank of the british Air tree?

Basically title, I can somewhat guess what a few of them are but im not to sure
I’ll do a small list for now

Rank 1:wirraway
2: spit mk 2 la
3:Mustang mk IA
4: spit f mk xivc
8:mig 21 bison

In my opinion it would go something like this

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Thunderbolt and Strikemaster have wrong links attached to them.


Very surprised the rank5 isnt the sea vixen.

Thanks for catching that, Amended

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I just don’t like the Sea Vixen, you have to play almost exclusively a support role and for that reason alone I don’t recommend it as a premium pick over the Meteor that can do both CAP and CAS despite being .7 BR lower.

No Wyvern? Considering everybody who doesn’t own it says it’s op?

Fair point. It does force you into a certain playstyle. However, i find it to be great for practicing missile combat because you absolutely need those missiles to hit due to lack of guns.

Personally the Strikemaster is a better premium for its rank, thankfully its just my opinion c:

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