What are R-24R's range?

I’ve already done my research but most people only ever really talk about how they got 20km+ kills but with aircraft like the MiG-23 MLA your never really going to be at the altitudes to fire the missile to hit those shots because from what I know you want to stay close to the ground. So what actually is the R-24R’s missile at around sea level because once again a lot of aircraft (like the MiG-23’s) are going to use these missiles at low altitude. Also the information Gaijin/War thunder give about the missile’s range are the absolute bare bones and don’t really cover many important things (about range). From my experience I’ve mostly fired around 6km because most of the time that works but I don’t know if I should’ve and could’ve been firing further. Also I suppose most of this could maybe go for R-24T’s too.
TLDR: what are R-24R missiles range at sea level???

There aren’t rules against climbing, and a very good strategy if you aren’t facing anything above 12.0. You often face planes that can’t detect your missiles (Mig-23MLD, some F-104s/phantoms and the J35, and you face planes that have very poor RWRs such as other Mig-23s and anything Soviet/Chinese.

But it depends alot or your speed, the enemies speed, and the speed different between you two.

Also Aim 120 vs mica - #17 by Morvran


mld has the spo15 same as the mig29 and su27, the ml/mla are the ones with the old spo10, so it could detect a fox1 launch

Spo-15 is unable to detect an R-24R, because it can’t detect J band radar, which is what the MiG-23s use.

Spo-10 will detect a track from a Mig-23, but not a launch. It’s also a much worse RWR in general.

You’re right, honestly why would they allow such an oversight surly they knew NATO used J band frequency radars as well

R-24R Range at 1000m of altitude

Like 7km max in my experience, head-on at low alt and medium speed. You can reach out to like 12km but then the missile doesn’t have energy to maneuver and can be pretty easily avoided. If you can get and maintain a lock around 3-4km head-on, or like 2 rear-aspect, and the missile actually tracks, they are nearly impossible to avoid.
All in all they behave almost exactly like AIM-7E-2s, Skyflashes, or RB-71s if you’ve used those.

If you can ACM lock them and they are head-on to you, you can hit them easily. If they are side on it may not be worth launching as it will be chaffed.

For head ons, I usually fire at about 10km max. You can do 12km out but I dont use the search radar and only use the ACM.