Weapon lock, SAM, SPAA

i don’t know what am i doing wrong but SAM doesn’t gets activated. I can’t fire FNF missiles. what is the problem target lock? weapon lock? i couldn’t find the control settings related to that. i can fire laser guided SAM with OSA-Akm but can’t fire infrared missiles with shilka. as far as i know i didn’t touch those settings so they should be default. radar works but missiles doesn’t. i realized that in ground RB and tested it in test drive. here is the video link.

You cant fire because you havent locked on. The green circle will become red and the sound of the lock will change

The targets are either too cold or too far away to acquire lock

example of what it looks like to get a lock

the thing is i never lock on target. it never turns red, i am aware that i should turn red that’s what i am saying. what i am gonna do to turn this red. i did in this test drive so planes only 400-500 meters above me. it didn’t lock i cleared the trees and tried again and didn’t work again. it never turns red i keep trying.

I have no idea. But I dont think there is anything else you can do on your end. It looks like you’ve got everyting bound correctly.

Seems like a bug as it should lock on the IR signature of the plane, not the best missile at all, but at that range it should lock