We wan't cool vehicles BACK, not get taken away even more!

I don’t get why gaijin is taking the road to remove vehicles. Yesterday it was the germans and chinese, today its some planes that definetly arent related to some japanese planes getting removed at all, and tomorrow its something else. There are a lot of cool vehicles that werent build, cammos that arent real etc. just a lot of fake stuff. And that is cool, because they are funny or even just nice to play. And thats what this is about, its a game, its not realistic even if they try to make it into a real life simulator it wont ever be anywhere near that. Its a game supposed to make fun, removing cool things all the time will only make it less fun and less interesting. Its cool to see vehicles that you cant see in real life, that was always something i enjoyed a lot, to see things, made possible by a game, that you cant see anywhere else. Removing is bad, boring and just nothing short of a wrong decision.

ps. and making everything gambling wont make anything better either. Can only speak for myself, but if gaijin is taking the road to make everything dogshit, then im on the road to leaving this game. This is not Las Vegas if you want to start an online casino, you do you, but you cant tell me that they dont get enought money as it was with just selling premiums. Even letting the player choose the vehicle in the battlepass chest would make litteraly no difference in the money gaijin earns. It seems the only mission is to get people quitting.

pps. closing the Discussion even tho i only used an example that is happening in this game, that wasnt even the main point of my entire argument is great. Thanks a lot.


Yeah I agree. A lot is happening and I do not like it.


It’s a product for devs to make money. Depending on the devs type, the balance between revenue-fun is more balanced to one way or the other.

It’s pretty obvious that games started to balance it more to the revenue side ( battle passes, dlc, progression behind pay wall, etc).
The difference here is that war thunder was there for 12 years so you notice the change.

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Them removing vehicles is honestly depressing especially if you miss it (I’m not gonna be able to grind these jets getting removed) I would rather they add more fun interesting paper tanks like come on I want the Maus 2 or maybe be fun and add v1 rockets that’d be awesome.

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I definetly see your point. + its a free to play game, sure they have to make money. But they do so much that hasnt to do with making mone. Yes, its okay that there is a battlepass, premuim days, premium vehicles and all that stuff. But the battlepass is lazy as frick, and many vehicles just dont come back. the prices rise to an infinitum and gaijin is completly okay with never bringin vehicles back and then even locking them behind gambling. I mean, if you get the Battlepass chest you get a one time try. If you fail, they dont care. And thats why i start to dont care either. If i want a “trash” game, im gonna buy some EA games. If they want to be EA, you do you, but i aint gonna put work in something like that.

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I know they wont listen to us at any point now. There is so much the playerbase ask for. And a lot of things are not that difficult to impliment or to give it to people. A game has to offer something i cant have irl. If i want Money sharks that only want money, i can go see my Boss. But there are 1000000 other games to play. but i dont think gaijin will put any effort in a product with no competitors. WoT is not in agood state. And im 100% sure they will make the game even worse. Its only a matter of time till people start wking up… or at least i hope so.

Im gonna watch how it goes. im waiting for the next major update and see what the next battlepass will be like. If i dont se improvement, im gone. I dont see a reason to help a company that wants to be like the ones we hate, aka EA, Activision or with that Blizzard.

… that should be fun for players

Wait a sec, battlefield 2 was great 😆

Yeah, basically the problem is not the amount of revenue stuff but how it is implemented

Never will happen with a divided community

Judy curiosity (sorry) what do you call a good bp ?

I guess that it depends on the income/effort relation