We need new naval squadron vehicles

Ok hear me out - 1) The squadron vehicles haven’t had anything interesting for awhile AND 2) USN low tier coastal has been ignored since the start of naval (plus they look awful, the camos are yet another un-historical ugly insult, the pt boats suck, and the ‘tracers’ are invisible)
Why can’t a low tier (Rank 1 BR 1.7 or 2.0) USN coastal squadron vehicle like the Eagle class patrol ships be released (and make it look nice for once)?

This would balance out the totally OP tank boats at 2.0, and make the game interesting. Comon guys we don’t need YET ANOTHER high tier Rank VII F18, or M1A2 SEP3 or whatever that only 3% of the player base can acquire. We need low tier stuff that’s fun that encourages people to play.


Yes please! I’ve had to research multiple squadron vehicles that I have zero use for at this point. :(


Fleet… yes

I’ve been pondering this for ages & just sigh at every jet addition. But maybe & hopefully with the supposed french CBT around the corner, Maybe the next vessel might be a french Frigate which if the devs play their cards right might just get instant sales when that tree releases like a Le Corse class (after all the cannons were recently added).

Or an Italian frigate as that tree is lacking such a thing even currently like a Centauro class or following the theme of subchaser & Italy had many designs iirc that could fit the 2.0 region or heh floating gun platforms like a Castore class Gunboat for the lolz.


Honestly from US I could expect one of their experimental or one in the class ships like: destroyer leader USS Norfolk with three double 76mm turrets, USS Hull in its 203mm refit or USS Timmerman, which is basically a much faster gering class destroyer

I am however not advocating for them specifically, just seeing them as more possible for gaijin to add than a low tier boat :)

No completely wrong. The USN very much needs a low tier boat since that tree has been completely neglected since naval was launched. USN low tier boats can’t fairly compete with newer OP subchasers and tank boats. The squad vehicles need something as well. There has been far too much attention given to the top tier mafia demanding yet another BR 12.0 fighter. The discussions argue that the Naval fan base is 5 guys and 30 bots and naval is dead. In reality how many players can actually acquire a MiG 29 or a Leopard 2? Maybe 15% of the fan base tops. Yes we totally need more interesting low tier boats.


+1 from me! Besides the SC-497 and PC-541 (which are actually good) it seems American lowtier has been rotting for quite a long time. Make coastal great again!

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Naval is just a shell of what it used to be and i pretty sure its neglected for a reason. It doesnt bring people into the game and is only used to frm SL which has been nerfed into the ground. Im a US naval player and ive completely stopped Coastal fleets because 1. the other nations ust have better stuff compared to my floating piece of wood strapped with a very inaccurate 81mm Mortar which im sure ive NEVER hit anything with and Destroyers coming in to say HELLO with 3 inch+ guns.

Yes, well said exactly my point. But it doesn’t have to be. If the Exalted Snail would allow a few more boats it could be really fun. That’s why I was floating the idea ( no pun intended ) of the Eagle class as a low tier squadron vehicle (or hey how about a premium). If enough peeps suggest it who knows? I prefer to light a lamp rather than curse the darkness, and I think they really want the game to be fun because after all, they make more money yes?

No i agree with you it just needs a little love. I love playing ships but its not really excessible to most players because of how it is atm. I think theres more pressing issues with Naval. Needs a lot more BR balancing and possible BR Compression for coastal. I feel the RP in naval is horrendously gifted which makes the grind Long and mind numbing to a point.

the Problem with the Eagle class is that is carries two 4’ and One 3’ guns. Thats far beyond the capabilites of any and all 2.0 ships thats sitting atleast at a 3.3-4.0 where the LCS (rip you were once so good and fun).

Yes we are in violent agreement, lol. But, Oh no le contraire ! – I lost count how many times my little PT-6 with its measly two 12.7mm machine guns and invisible tracers that you can’t see got utterly stomped by a Pr.122bis (MPK-163), or a MPK pr.122A, or an OD 200, or a Type K-8 No.13, Kusentei or …(etc etc) the list goes on. Even the PTF7 doesn’t stand a chance, and the PT20 is a joke with its completely can’t fire from the front gun depression. No I think something like the Eagle is long past due.

Woah woah woah. youre telling me your Wooden gunboat with six 50s and a 40mm Bofors being in the same BR as a Armored gun Boat with two 85mm and a PG02 with a chain gun isnt fair?! The blasphemy! But i digress, the eagle class is a cool boat for this dont get me wrong but its just a bit higher tier than what you were looking for. I think the BRs need adjustment or need to be treated like Air Vs Ground. Coastal boats being brought to Bluewater? Sure. Blue water in Coastal? Nope.


Another good point there shouldn’t be destroyers in PT Boat battles. But for the most part there are not. The main problem again is how imbalanced Boat battles are. In that regard BR compression-decompression would help. It still does nothing for the sad and neglected state of affairs that is the USN boat tree.

Youre Gonna Need A Bigger Boat GIFs | Tenor

Litchfields and Frunzes… I hate 'em, even while using a torpedo boat. Not because they are easy prey for it but because they wreck matches at 2.3.

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I feel your pain but its like the bomber treatment. in a PT you turn a corner and have every AutoGun (if you nerf the computer autoaim then Planes get much more Diabolical which can turn into a CAS playground ) on you or youre getting shot with the main cannons from 5km away where you cant even drop torps because 8 islands are in the way. Damned if you do damned if you dont.

the cyclone and what not are “good” ships. and fun from what ive seen. I dont have them because gridning in smol boats is impossible these days. But ive seen a few. THe asheville is complete pain. 1 round breaks the gun and all you can do is cry in a corner.

Cyclone is complete trash for it’s BR. I have them all and I can swear by this. It should be a 2.3 max instead of a 3.7. It’s guns are so bad it will make you cry at that BR.

3.3 seems more reasonable simply because it has a bluewater damage model.

Well, if we are haggling, let’s make it → 2.7


fair compromise haha
up there with the brantford and such