I cannot make any new presets. This is a bummer since I am considering a purchase from the summer sale, but I will not be able to make a new preset for this vehicle which is a pain. I think Gaijin should unlock a few more presets or remove the restriction of having presets locked behind a game mode that most players do not play. I really only find this an issue with nations like the big 3. I currently have 14 presets for Germany, which I use for air and ground throughout the whole BR range. My max is currently 14.
TIL there is a preset limit.
I don’t think one is needed, especially with the amount of BRs in the game.
Its worse for nations without naval as you get a certain amount of oresets awarded for reaching rank V in all three game modes. So nations without naval dont have full access. Ive been enjoying coastal US and only went down it because i needed more preset slots
I need more too
It’s just one of those things that make no sense, i.e. a typical Gaijin decision.
I don’t see the need for more than 10 or 11 presets.
Presets are supposed to be for your consistently played BRs, for which other tech trees fulfill better BRs than others.
I play planes, ships, boats and tanks, pretty much from BR 1 through 12ish, I have a handful of presets which I usually don’t touch, mostly the ones I use for dailies and special tasks, but I’m constantly deleting some presets to make different ones… there should be more presets available in my opinion.
Is there a difference 😂
Sorry just thought that was kinda funny
This is my Japan, which houses the most amount of presets for any tech tree for me.
Air is exclusively 1 preset cause it’s not lineups based.
3 naval presets, and all my ground BRs I’ll ever play with Japan.
If someone chooses a BR that isn’t there I choose a tech tree with better/funner/favorite tanks for that BR.
bluewater and coastal if you want…
You manage with less through playing air RB, I play air AB, I have 11 slots to fill for most nations and I like a low BR lineup, one around 4ish, one around 5-6ish, early jets and higher BR jets, I have a Russian lineup specifically for meteor shower tasks with 11 attackers, I have mixed lineups, bomber-heavy lineups and pure fighter lineups… and that’s just planes. For most nations I only have space for 1 or 2 tank lineups which I will change according to what I want to play.
Edit: basically your tank lineups are my plane lineups…
I use 2 - 4 slots for aircraft and that’s it.
Sometimes each slot has a dedicated aircraft type.
It’s easier to swap between aircraft than presets, and the 2 - 4 aircraft crewed are typically my most used in a month.
Japan is a bad example because it’s a small nation.
Maybe the best QoL suggestion I’ve ever seen. Please make a suggestion, I’ll vote in favor.
I have 18 preset slots available in the Soviet tree and it is only enough for 1 preset for aircraft, 1 for ships and rest for ground units from the top to 6.0, I am missing at least 5-6 to have as many as I want. And 18 is the absolute maximum, so Gaijin please add the possibility to unlock more slots for presets
How? There are only… 4 good BRs for the Soviets between 6.0 and 11.7…
11.7, 10.3, 7.7, and 6.7.
8.7? Other tech trees have better, with Sweden having the best.
9.3? Most tech trees have far better lineups.
And the rest is just fodder really. Not enough MBTs or heavies to make up a lineup.
So I’m curious, even with 6 tank presets, that’s 8 presets total. There physically cannot be enough filler for 10 more.
Because i have lineups at every br i can Because i can play with my friends with X nation while they play another nation. Having more presets is an all around positive i really dont see how having more is somehow a negative in yours eyes. Thats like saying i dont want more tanks in warthunder cause we have enough already.
I dont have to play only “good” BRs. If you intrested those are my ground soviet presets
And i would love to have much more
Look like my lineups but i dont have any premiums aside from kv220 and TV
I have also many low tier premium’s that I enjoy playing such as Su-57, T-126, T-34/57 and few more but I don’t have linups for them and must change one of the regular and that’s annoying