We need a proper matchmaking system

“we need a proper matchmaking system”

Currently War Thunder has no matchmaking system, so any will do imo

Yeah, it works for some people. I know it pushes me to stop playing, at least it did for the last game i tried. Maybe they just had a horrible sbmm.
It was 5 wins to go up and 15 losses to go down. Basically meant that, as long at you averaged a win rate above 25%, you would get moved up. Needless to say it wasnt fun.

Can we add x%, which increases our total earned SL and RP for the time in the match? or you can change the blocking of tanks, but I often skip a match if I don’t like a given map. Sometimes I also play a premium vehicle in a given slot to build a crew.

Matchmaking sucks like you said when you have noobs from air battles only or naval only , trying ground forces and not having a clue what it entails that’s when tempers get frayed.
level 1 players joining game of 3.0 or even higher , and not having a clue what to do where to go ,how to use the map etc it ruins games for all concerned .
I know ill get we all had to start somewhere yes I agree but surely now WT could introduce a basic tactics and training room using AI to have players with no idea a chance to adapt to this mode of game instead of them rushing tiers getting games and do nothing except spawn camp their own spawn because they have no clue what the hell to do or where to defend etc