We need a 13.0+ tier for air assault

Now there is No easy way for top tier jets to get their missile modification, the only way to unlock them is to pay golden eagles? Or by eating shit with stock missile and to die 50+ times in AB、RB or SB?

I think we can make some fast or even supersonic attackers for 13.0+ Air Assault mode, or what do you think?

I mean Just no one cares about stock top tier jets?


All aircraft should be allowed to be used in Air Assault Battle


@Smin1080p_WT Is there anything in the works regarding this? There hasn’t been any news since the last patch

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Assault arcade needs a realistic mode counterpart and all BRs should be allowed in

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Did we even get told why air assault was br capped?

No, only that it was intentional.

I’m guessing it’s because of AMRAAMS, either enemy planes would have them and players would get spawn killed, or enemy’s wouldn’t have them and players would have too easy of a time killing them.

The entirety of the assault arcade modes desperately need rework/updates to reflect the changes that have come these past years of updates, yet… update after update, nothing seems to be done…

We have other posts regarding these issues as well, but in regards to the 13.0+ it definitely NEEDS its own bracket to provide the ability to upgrade the modifications.

As it stands now, 6.7-12.7 is an absurd spread that which we have the likes of higher tier jets resorting to tactics like agm65 to eliminate large quantities of enemy aircraft before the intro jets can even get close, as well as ww2 ai turret aces pilot sniping jets maneuvering at mach+ from 1.5km out, etc.

The current ‘activity’ for reward system makes it hard for high tier jets to get enough points from ai aircraft and vice versa can be too hard for slower aircrafts to get anything as well…

Unfortunately we have tried countlessly to ping mods, etc but nothing is ever discussed further than that… it really makes the whole ‘we want to listen to the community’ thing feel quite miserable, especially how quick they are to respond to other topics.


Even high tier assault is just flicking missiles at waves of WW2 Era bombers, ARH missiles can still used anyway as the early F-14s can still queue.

I was hoping there’d be some kind of rework in the line for high tier Air Assault like vaultraider says, or just Air Assault in general, but it’s been radio silence since the BR changes shortly after the previous major update which banned 13.0+.


GAIJIn has remained silent on the unusual situation at Assault.
Does this mean that they are not playing their own game?

Any sane company would have answers to these problems from the developer’s side.
The WT community I belong to has complained about GAIJIn’s dishonesty.

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Hope they don’t remove this game mode rudely. I feel like gaijin is deliberately ignoring this game mode


WT has been updated, but Gaijin seems unwilling to do so.

The response to the glitches has been so slow that I have stopped expecting anything from GAIJIn.
Goodbye WarThunder, hello EFT.

With the planned BR changes coming, the reduction of so many F16 to 12.7 will really impact this game mode.

With how many agm-65 and kh-29 type missiles that can destroy near entire waves with one salvo due to detonation mechanics… this will greatly hurt the earlier jets, unless new brackets are formed.

Earlier jets more than ever will not likely be able to get to the enemy before all aspects and these missiles reach the targets.

I highly doubt they will work on these modes… but just something i forsee with planned changes…

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