We must end the Stock HEATFS situation for Top Tier MBTs. Do you agree?

my sword


Absolutely. Top tier would be so much better. Stock Heat-FS is a shit show that must end.


It was never fair because even when the change was made we also had nations that didn’t have HEATFS to begin with either so we just shifted things around and the main impact was Russian tanks benefitting from it massively, which was a surprise to no one.

Considering Russian ammo racks are the most unrealistic aspect of this game even with APFSDS, there is no reason for this to persist, like there was never a reason for it to exist in the first place as it was a joke of an excuse.

At no other point in the game do we enforce these things or measure balance between what vehicles have what abilities stock.


I have made a post a month or so ago discussing, that basically almost every tank with a gun (so not autocannons) can have a stock APFSDS round.

And what’s funny is that Swedish Leos and British Challengers have stock darts, while every other nation suffers with stock HEAT.


They have Stock apfsds as they do not use heat at all

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Yes, i know.

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Well for the CR3 stock heat time


I am gonna just leave this here:

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That was their reasoning. The real reason is so people instead of getting a functional round to fight with will get HEAT. And after playing with it and getting no where they simply just buy the apfsds which in turn makes gaijin more money.


The fact that in every top tier tank you have to struggle with usually 20+ games even with premium, getting maybe 1 kill for every 4 deaths before you even get the first dart, is horrible. That is if you decide to skip the Parts modification too. its just not enjoyable.


80 likes and 200 “YES” votes in 3 hours, I am proud of you all!

We are gaining traction and momentum.


Or, you go to Assault mode to get the dart.

The issue there is that your teammates are exclusively the worst kinds of wehraboos you can ever imagine.

Like those, who are so stupid, that they can actually just forget how to breathe…

So winning (and thus getting any meaningful RP) is very hard.
I had more kills with a fully stock M60 than my teammates with moder MBTs (and they had APFSDS, so there is no excuse of them using HEAT).

I’d like to ask those who false flag comments, that in what way is this a “spam”?

This issue must be resolved once and for all. It cannot continue. This suffering is pointless.


Because the UK and Swedes dont use HEAT-FS. Notice however, for the UK that any vehicle which is used for export or ofc, the new challenger 3 (not really a challenger 3 but w/e) has HEAT-FS even though the UK doesnt use it?

Yeee. They do their best to force stock HEAT-FS on the UK too. Back in the day, it was stock APDS when APDS was nerfed in the ground on challenger tanks too. You were using L15 from the cheftain mk3 on the challenger tanks at top tier…


I know.

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+1 We should have been fighting harder for this this whole time. It is unacceptable and another on of the extremely predatory things that Gaijin does to force us to spend GE that needs to stop.


+1. HEAT-FS at Top Tier is mostly useless.

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It is completely useless I would say


when it was said that it was unfair some vehicles start with worse rounds, it was a comically evil decision to give them all the worst round to start. it’s like the homelessness rate being high and then responding to that by taking away people’s homes so its “fair” to everyone