Not even a single rank III premium. If you all are planning to kill the battle pass and stick to nonstop fomo events just say so. No need to dump this mess on players and pretend you put any real effort into it
I’ll buy it eventually when I want all the boosters and other stuff for some grinding task or other.
Time for me to never buy premium again, the battle pass is the worst one yet and the warbond shop is terrible too. Rank 2s only in the warbond shop and 2 copy paste vehicles is a kick to the balls and the final nail in the coffin.
I would give my opinion to other players on whether or not to buy this battle pass but if I said they shouldn’t I would recieve A chat ban because advising players not to buy things from gaijin store is against the rules.
The WT BP gives over double the IRL money in in-game permanent rewards.
SL, cosmetic options, vehicles, and of course the warbonds.
It’s your decision not to want those things, but saying it’s not worth it is silly.
I’ve passed on this good deal a few times myself, it’s still a good deal.
Just let people have their own opinions.
Everyone can be in a different situation. From my perspective:
SL: I have well over 100M SL. I don’t know what to do with SL. And no, I won’t use it for gambling, I don’t like gambling in general (probably because I was always unlucky and gambling was too frustrating for me).
Cosmetics: I don’t use them, I don’t care about them.
Vehicles: I like premium vehicles. I don’t even mind copy-pasted premiums if they are good vehicles for grinding. I also like unique vehicles, because at least you play them differently, so even if they are not useful, they can be a bit of fun.
Unfortunately, the current BP vehicles are pretty much useless for me, they are not unique and they are not good for grinding. Japan already has a much better premium light bomber option at the same BR (B7A2 (Homare 23)). I also don’t like M46, they don’t work well in Ground Arcade, and there are much better premium tank options in France (e.g. I really like the Souma SM, and it’s even a higher rank premium than the M46). So I know I won’t use the current BP vehicles, I just don’t need them (I already have much better options for grinding).
Warbonds: I already have all rank 2-3 premium vehicles in the game, so Warbonds are pretty much useless to me, I won’t get any vehicles from them. I already have so many backups that I will probably never use them all, so getting more doesn’t make sense. The only decent option for me are random talismans. But because I play all the nations (I have every rank 1-5 vehicle in the game researched) and how this system works, my random talismans usually go to useless vehicles anyway. And for that 2k GE I can add 2-3 talismans to any rank 4-5 vehicles I want during -50% sale (without any randomness, as I choose the vehicles). But with how the game works, it’s usually better to buy a good premium vehicle for grinding anyway.
Where exactly do I find this “good deal” for me?
That would lead to the plan to sell the vehicles and buy some good premium(s) for the revenue.
(At least that is what I am planning to do in case I reach LVL 125)
And you can either have good luck with your talismans OR you eliminate bad luck candidates for next time. ;-)
I doubt I will reach level 125 this time. It really does take a lot of grinding, which people often forget about. It’s not like you buy BP for 2000 GE and you get all this stuff instantly. You still have to work hard on it. It’s fine when you only play War Thunder every day, but it can be a problem, if you also play other games or you simply don’t have time to play the game every day.
In all previous multiplier games I played, BP daily tasks were as easy as “play 3 battles”, but in War Thunder it just doesn’t work this way. Especially if you also want to grind tech trees and play stock vehicles (which I often do). Then you can’t expect results like 5+ kills per battle at average. And if the task requires e.g. 45 kills (Special Task), it takes a long time to get there. And this is just one special task, you need to complete a lot of them to get to level 125.
The grind required compared to the BP value (in my situation) is just crazy. For newer players the BP could still be a decent option, but for me the BP has a very poor value currently. I won’t even get the 3rd vehicle, because I already own all vehicles from the BP box. And keep in mind, the plane is free anyway. So for me, the current BP is pretty much 2000 GE for a premium rank 4 French M46, which is actually a bad deal. It’s also a question, how much this M46 will cost on the marketplace. Because technically you could gain money if you sell it. But no one will guarantee good marketplace price and it really takes a lot of effort to get to level 125 to be able to sell it.
So I totally understand players who are unhappy about the current BP value. For me it would probably be better to just skip such BPs completely. First BPs were very good because of good premium vehicles (I still play and enjoy some of them). But the newer BP vehicles are usually useless in my situation.
I surely would not have bought the pass for GE. But as it is ‘free’, what can I do? Collect 200WB instead?
Years ago, in WOW, I completed 20 daily tasks in a maximum of 2 hours of play, and that was guaranteed.
For me, BP tasks cause problems with tech tree grinding. Only one thing turns out okay: either tasks or grind. Perhaps I should just ignore the BP tasks.
I find I get rhe dailies grinding a BR i enjoy, as soon as i focus on the dailies i absolutely crumble and cant grind properly at all nor focus on the tasks.
The bp just isnt worth it realistically
I find it rather astonishing that you can totally condemn it and have never actually tried working a single BP. I have played/worked every single BP since they started and the lowest I have ever finished was lvl 134. I have gotten every single vehicle the BP’s have offered. Granted, early on, when there were more, I did sell a few(usually just 1) from the BP and used the revenue to buy GE’s and finance the next BP. But Gaijin caught on to that idea(I’m sure I was not the only one . . .lol) and made you wait a ridiculously long time to even be able to sell anything. So I just decided to keep everything I get and just go to lvl 125 and get the next BP FREE that way. Gaijin’s loss, they could have at least made their “cut” off of sales, but . … meh, ok.
Now for context, I am retired, my sole advantage to doing the BP is . . I have the time. I also had stopped grinding specifically for vehicles well before the BP came along and I was doing the same basic stuff gathering in items from the Warbond Shop. So when the BP came along, it was an easy transition for me and no big deal.
And yeah, we did get more and better stuff early on with the BP . . kinda how a business works . . good deals to get customers in and used to how things work.
And yeah, the quality & quantity will go down over time . . . that’s just common sense. Just like Updates will begin to have less vehicles, and they won’t be all top tier before too long . . . at some point, we will get a whole new “carrot on the stick” for everyone to FOMO OMG! OMG! OMG! over . . . it is inevitable.
But I see so many just boohooing so hard that the BP is “no good” simply off the vehicles offered when that is just a small portion of what we get. Sure, not everyone is gonna like/want the cosmetics . . some folks don’t like/use boosters or the Warbonds for that Shop . . . . to each his own. But focusing on 1 or 2 items and ignoring the rest doesn’t mean they do not exist or have no value.
I like doing the Daily & Special tasks, and even the Challenges . . at least the ones I can manage. They are concise, not terribly difficult once you learn which ones suit you & your playstyle . . . they have an “end” each day . . unlike grinding . . . that never ends. So I get to accomplish something each day, get some goodies here and there and even manage getting new vehicles along the way without actually grinding for them that much. Win - Win - Win . . . but that’s just me.
And ofc I do not expect anyone or everyone else to do it this way, we all play the game differently. But looking at aspects of the game from such narrow and strict points of view, well . . . . I just think some are gonna miss out without even trying . . and that’s too bad.
If you don’t have the time, I totally get that . . the ability for players to buy stuff for just that reason is what keeps the game alive and going . . and I appreciate those that support the game that way. I used to but can’t really afford it anymore(retirement ain’t all that) so I just do what I can and try to support the game in other ways . .
And yeah, I am sure there are better ones out there and much worse as well, but thing is . . . I don’t play those games, so there is no relevance there to me.
Paragraphs! What happened?
lol . … I even remembered to add a space . . . I have been sick and I blame a raging fever for my actions. . . ☻
You’re not the only one doing the same :-). Bought only the 1st BP. I didn’t sold a single vehicle because the following BP’s were self finnacing with tokens from lvl 125. Gave up grinding and take whatever free items I can :)) Several years ago I had the chance to learn about Warbonds from Dodo_Dud, Brave_Idiot and few others, which helped me a lot. They share a lot more info back then. Now not so much. I guess they had their share of dissapointment… Good luck and enjoy the game.
Thing is, most people react adversely when you tell them how to do it better. They don’t want to change their behavior, they rather have the game change.
Agreed . . . it’s human nature I think. What is the last thing you want to do?
answer: The last thing you were told to do.
And we all play the game differently, like different things and are gonna find our own approaches to doing things and accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves. One of the biggest things I feel is most overlooked about the game, is just figuring out how the game works.
Whether it’s scoring, crew skills, weaponry . . . the UI, there are many things seems like a lot of players bypass in their rush to . . . get somewhere . . lol
But there are, if not “better” ways of doing things, at least more efficient ways.
I do BP stuff, I fly Air AB to do the Daily & Special tasks. There are some Challenges I just cannot manage because they require me to do things I am not very good at. I have managed to do them all a few times, but that is the exception, not the Rule. And I get advice from the chat or Squadron mates on “better” ways to do some of them. I am not adverse in asking for help . . .lol.
But I have also played long enough to recognize the ones I cannot do in a reasonable amount of time, so I let those slide . . saving myself time and headaches . . . . this is a good thing.
The Warbond Shop has changed over time, but not a lot. I don’t get a new vehicle outta there very often, I already have most of what they offer, and that’s ok. There is still other stuff I can get . . but the supply of things I don’t have is dwindling.
But, I think the best advice I could offer those doing this stuff is to try not to “make” things happen so much and work more at “letting” them happen. Set yourself up for success and try & avoid beating your head against the wall.
I have always enjoyed the “game within the game” that I set for myself. Just need to be smart enough to know what you can do as opposed to what you want to do.
Our eyes are always bigger than the plate . . . .
Nice example here (gets more relevant the further you move down):