The LVT-4/40 being in the Battle Trophy is obviously a bit of a pun, not an important point.
You are irredeemably dense
time to bomb review on steam
I mean i don’t see the point, my review is still negative and i was not here when those things happened, it’s about other player being too kind about it and changing it after.
Another point I’m not sure that’s been brought up yet is the fidelity quality between the new equipment placed ontop of the FR M46, because the tank model hasnt been refurbished and updated the texture quality between the two creates a look to it thats incredibly out of place.
Not sure if my screenshot will do my point enough justice, but the uncanniness is quite noticeable ingame.
Also want to add a point against any detractors (Alvis), I run all my games on max texturing : )
razerchud will ignore this post
Well, what i meant is that you don’t need this event happening to make you change your review to start with.
the BV 238 kinda saves things
Yeah there’s no point reading further.
My comment shows that Gaijin copied so much of the M46’s turret model that they inadvertedly copied a bug related to the shadows around the gas canisters, and yet you are saying the turret is “entirely new”?
Do you enjoy lying?
Is being wrong a kick for you or something, genuinely curious because those turrets are defacto the exact same model just with extra stuff added ontop
Some stuff is just removed without consideration, like the very gas canisters he mentions which you can still see the welds on the French M46, and leads to a bug with how the shadows are created.
And you might ask how come the welds are still there? Well it’s because they are part of the texture, not the 3D model, and Gaijin copied the textures, simply changing the base color.
I love that @uisce-beatha 's post is claiming that screenshots and the game are lying.
People resort to personal insults when they’re wrong.
“Copy-paste” - Same rationale.
The differences are different CITV position, AC instead of APU, friendly identification panels, and bags.
There are less visual differences between these two tanks than there are between the two M46s.
M1A2’s hull is still incorrectly a SEP3 hull visually when it should be copy-paste SEP1 hull.
the models are copy paste but at least the M1A1 AIM offers at least some tangible gameplay differences over the M1A1 lmao
- What screenshots?
- The game never stated these were two different models, that any where “unique”.
- What does the M1A1 AIM v.1 got to do with this?
- Wasn’t a personal attack, I am just struggling to understand how someone can rationalise what is such obviously incorrect knowledge as being correct.
If you look carefuly you can tell that the same rust and wear pattern is applied on both tanks. That alone is proof that they do share components and models in game.
… more like the exact same base with some outside elements deleted or added. It even looks like they might have accidentally deleted the gas canisters and rack but forgot to delete the welds that hold the rack to the turret after copying the turret over.
You have a WAY to strict definition of “copy paste”. If the base model was copied and then used as a base to make changes on and those changes constitute a final result with less than 25-30% over all change in its entirety then its absolutely within the definition of copied. Do that with any copywritten work or any exams and you are in a heap of legal trouble for steal others work.
I want to add that i personally do not mind them doing this, at least not to some extent and where it serves a purpose (look at the Swedish Tiger, as that is one of only two heavy tanks in the Swedish tree it serves a purpose to fill in that gap despite being (almost?) entirely the same as its counterpart).