War Thunder went too far too fast

So the new update, Air Superiority, just dropped and brought with it new vehicles, mostly top of the tree. We got some Cold War jets, boats (lol) and new top tier ground vehicles.

However, the implementation of these new ground vehicles has brought with it a whole load of complaints and grievances from the community. Whilst Gaijin are adding in fighters from the Cold War or just after, they’re also adding in some of the most modern variants of tanks, with very little information and statistics to go off for these vehicles, all while there’s numerous complaints, issues, incorrect values and bugs for the already implemented top of the line vehicles.

There’s multiple bug reports and issues for the implementation of the M1A2’s, Chally 2’s, Ariete’s, Leclerc’s and Type 10 regarding armour, mobility and general performance. However, the new update has just added more vehicles, that have the same issues, before fixing many of the issues already plaguing these vehicles!

The implementation of new mechanics, such as the spall liner, further complicates things, as vehicles have had anti-spall properties since the 80’s. Most of the late Cold War tanks had spall-liners built in, so I just assumed it was part of the armour values, however now, we have another separate component for the already borked damage calculator to factor in. (Drones are another perfect example.)

Gaijin have gone too far timeline wise wayyy too fast, the new vehicles sit at 11.7, despite being tier 8, they haven’t moved up to match aircraft BR’s and there’s still huge holes in most tech trees, even of the big 3. Whilst Gaijin are just adding in ASF’s from the late 80’s, we’re seeing tanks from a few years ago being added, before fixing the current content we have in game. 11.3 to 11.7 now spans a gap of almost 35 years in tank development.

It’s a real shame too, as there’s so much Cold War content still left to be added and a major decompression needed between 8.0 to 11.7.

But instead we see the most modern vehicles added to the top of the tree because everyone wants the best, the shiniest new equipment, despite the fact that they will NEVER reach community expectations when they are added and Gaijin are already overburdened with the current vehicles they have.

What are your thoughts? Have Gaijin tried to go too far too fast? I just want more Cold War stuff man (and to be able to play a T-80U without being subject to a drone strike).




Always has.

We have tons of cool vehicles. Gaijin should really spend this next year figuring out how to improve upon gameplay. It’s time to evolve the game.


I’d like more variants of stuff we have too.

I might be the minority but I like unlocking the full folders of vehicles. Things like the Leo 1A1 and 1A3 stand out, a stabilised Leo at 8.3/7 would really help Germany out.

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We seem to be reaching the point to where that’s all there will be left to add to the game.

At this point I hope they just add everything, run out of things to add and either they’ll let the game die or they’ll work on the core of the game for the first time in history of the game.

new nations

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Mmmm copy pasta. 😋

i didn’t say copy paste i said new nations

I was snarky.

Maybe low tiers would bring some unique stuff. I feel top tiers would just be more of the same jets , just different nations.

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yeah, top tier air would be very copy paste bar a few light attackers, but i think it’s definitely worth the massive amount of new content just 2 or 3 (good) nations could bring

i think warthunder should really slow down expanding into the modern era for a while (balancing, compression, sekrit dokuments etc) to focus on new nations

Which is very beneficial to Gaijin, as “classified” is much, MUCH easier to change and ballance in game… :)

Absolutely. The average player only wanting the shiniest new technology has left the game in a broken state of compression and powercreep with massive amounts of missing and neglected vehicles.
We’ve got M1A2 SEPs before M4A3s. F-15s before F-101s. Challenger 3s before Churchill Vs. Leopard 2A7s before Leopard 1A3s. Su-27s before Su-15s.
I’m not even against adding new top vehicles. That’s always going to be part of the game. But too often those top vehicles jump the gun and go for the most famous vehicles instead of ones that work better in the game.
Look at this update -
2A7V instead of 2E
SEP v2 instead of fixed SEP v1
T-90M instead of T-90AM
122B+ instead of 122C/D
VT-4A1 instead of VT-4
F-15 instead of F/A-18
Su-27 instead of MiG-31


They work on the core of the game all the time. There’s frequently graphics updates for the entire tech tree, sound improvements (work a little TOO much on the core of the game if anything on that one), things like volumetric, all this year’s economy changes, this thing about “severe damage” just yesterday they updated on (I don’t LIKE that one, but it is “core of the game” work), and so on.

Them not doing the specific core stuff you want is because they don’t WANT to, not that they didn’t have TIME to or paid attention to it ever. Probably because they believe they have data that proves to them they will lose money if they decompress too much for example.

They work on the core of the game all the time. There’s frequently graphics updates for the entire tech tree, sound improvements (work a little TOO much on the core of the game if anything on that one), things like volumetric, all this year’s economy changes, and so on.

A few times we’ve had graphical updates which is nice but it doesn’t change the core of the game, and half the features like weather and such are extremely rare for some reason and yet they refuse to change nuclear sun because this is fun somehow.

The sounds just get changed for the sake of changing them and the vast majority of the time they get worse, we still have vehicles with identical sounds because modern IFVs have identical engines to late WW2 or Cold war era vehicles from entirely different nation, surely.

We all still have lazy sound loops instead of sound based on RPM, you take W once and it just plays the entire sound loop regardless if you hold it or not.

Volumetric changed the core of the game, still don’t believe it’s for the better.

Them not doing the specific core stuff you want is because they don’t WANT to, not that they didn’t have TIME to or paid attention to it ever. Probably because they believe they have data that proves to them they will lose money if they decompress too much for example.

There is no excuse to not address the crew system that has been neglected for over a decade, they have all the time in the world to fix things because all they do is outsource vehicles, implement them in shitty conditions and then wait for the community to do the research and bug report it.


There isn’t even the base T-90 (T-72BM) added yet, instead we have the Obr. 2017 model.

We don’t even have the T-64.

Gaijin has not even implemented all the functions of the avionics of such an old aircraft as the phantom II, but is introducing the 4th generation of multi-role fighters.

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