War Thunder "Kings of Battle" - Changelog

Excellent text ! 100% with it.

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Well, around the improvement of such features,…
I still don’t want it to be score related.

But assist might be counted as 0.5kills in the feature.

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It’s a shame that skill bonus will apply only to RP


I can agree, quite loved port Novo as it was, wouldn’t even change anything about it tbh


ah yes thats bullshit, dont just say things which arent true, they map wasnt good thats a fact, it came down to whoever reached the spot in the middle first and then just camping and sniping anyone approaching it
It isnt as bad in mid tier, but gets increasingly worse the highter the br gets combined with enemy heli spawn points being directly behind the player spawn point it is a pain in the ass

Wasn’t true? I disagree.
The map was very very obvious when it came down to obvious positions which, when a player would turn their brain on, would be checked and can be easily countered.
If you want to say that isn’t true then we dool, now


it was an unfair map in favour of one team, 1 team had the spawn in the middle of the city while the other team was completly open with direct access to helicopter fire, that is bad map design

And a direct sightline into enemy helo spawn? Seriously? The north team can push straight into the south through a couple of easy corridors which only have like one or two counters and bring the fight straight behind the wnemy
Tldr the map can go both ways if u know what ur doing


where are the night battles at?

Tell that the old G-Lynx which wasnt reachable by either stingers or cannons

Finally is clear, you play in a high BR and with a deadly CAS around… but for the low tier enjoyer they can get screwed ?

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Uhh, vehicle specific issue not related to the map? U good?


Was realshatter re-implemented or something? 20 mm+ cannons in air RB fee absolutely horrible again. Could be just horrid luck, but with how many 30 mm shells I’ve tanked and how many “crits” I’ve inflicted with my 20 mm HEF shells with the J29F, I’m starting to doubt it.

Not happy with City in Air RB not having an airspawn anymore.

Also, does point bleed in air RB feel really fast now? At least on City and Battle for Vietnam it feels like matches end with AI killing each other more often than a team running out of players.

thats what i said, low tier /mid tier can be good but for higher ones it is just a bad map

Oh boy, didn’t know about this change, thats the best change of this update!


the issue still goes trough with other helis as well, for the higher tiers it is a bad map

RP, sorry, lol.

Well we’ve got SL buffed already.

Again, not a map issue, issue of the MM, of what the Lynx, 129CBT and other hellfire slingers face in terms of AA.
Like, in a downtier they outrange IR AAM SPAA, in uptiers they get neutered.
Now tell me it’s a map related issue. Cmon brah